Manage optional features

Inspire provides some features that you can decide whether to use or not. Some of these features are not enabled by default.

You can choose from:

AutomaticIDs - Configure whether IDs are generated for all elements in an XML component, or only a select list.

ElectronicSignatureRequired—Require electronic signatures to approve a component.

ForceDeleteAllowed—Allows an administrator to delete a component that is referenced by another component, such as a map. The administrator sees a prompt confirming if they want to break the relationship links and delete anyway.

InspireSchemaCustom—Use a custom schema.

Lock for approve—Control if a lock is set after a component is approved.

PivotToEnglishEnabled—Enable Inspire to create an English translation first, and then send it for translation to the target language. For more information read Plan for special requirements.

PivotToEnglishGBEnabled—Enable Inspire to create an English translation first in the English dialect used in the United Kindow (en-GB), and then send it for translation to the target language. For more information read Plan for special requirements.

PublishOmitDeliverableTimestamping—Keep or remove the timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD-HHHHMM) in the name of a published file. Omit the timestamp from published file names.

ReviewCommentOnly—An administrator can remove the ability for all reviewers to edit content and track changes.

SubmitConfirmation—An administrator can enable a confirmation screen in Oxygen that warns a user if the changes they made to the content is referenced by another component. For more information, read Enable a Submit confirmation.

TranslationApprovedOnly—An administrator can limit a translation coordinator to selecting only approved components to include in a translation job.

TranslationFilteringEnabled—Allow profiling attribute filters when sending content to translation.

TranslationLockSourceDisabled— This feature controls the lock State of components in translation jobs.

If set to true, you:

  • Allow files to remain unlocked when sent to translation

UserInactivityTimeoutInMinutes—By default, a user can be inactive in Inspire for 15 minutes before they are automatically signed out. An administrator can change this interval of time.

UseThumbnails—Shows a thumbnail image instead of a larger high-resolution version when a user previews content in the Components browser by selecting Details. Users also see thumbnails in Projects when previewing content. If a thumbnail is used, users can double-click it to see the image in its high resolution version.