Preview large images as thumbnails

If you store many of your images with high resolution, you can configure Inspire to show a thumbnail image instead of the larger version. When a user previews content in the Components browser by selecting Details, they see a thumbnail instead of the high resolution version. Users also see thumbnails in Projects when previewing content.

By default, this feature is enabled.
When a user previews content in the Components browser by selecting Details:
  • In the preview, you see all images as a thumbnail.
  • When you double-click the thumbnail, you see the image in its high resolution version.
  • You also see this behavior in Projects when previewing content.

Turning this feature off.
When a user previews content in the Components browser by selecting Details:
  • In the preview, you see all images under 2 MB in the high-resolution.
  • Images 2 MB and larger you see as a thumbnail.
  • When you double-click the thumbnail, you see the image in its high resolution version.
  • You also see this behavior in Projects when previewing content.

To manage the Thumbnail feature:

  1. From the Administration menu, select Advanced Settings, and then Features management.
  2. On the Features management tab:
    1. After UseThumbnails, note the state.
    2. If the feature says true, users always see a thumbnail in previews.
    3. If the feature says false, users see a thumbnail only if the image is larger than 2 MB.
    4. After UseThumbnails, click Update.
  3. The checkbox is highlighted in blue. To change the state, clear or select the checkbox.

    • To set the feature to true, select the checkbox.
    • To set the feature to false, clear the checkbox.
  4. Click Update.

    Users must log out and back into Inspire for the setting to take effect.