Allow forced deletions

Components can contain references to other components, such as in a map. By default, when you try to delete a component that is referenced in another topic, Inspire does not allow it because those link references will become invalid. If you don't want to remove references to a component before deleting it, or you are having issues and just need to delete a component and break the links anyway, you can allow an administrator to force Inspire to delete the component.

Tips and tricks

  • If you set ForceDeleteAllowed to true and the user is an admin:
    • When the admin deletes a component that is referenced, the admin sees a prompt to confirm if they want to delete and break the relationships.
    • Components that reference the deleted topic are marked as invalid.
    • If you are not also deleting the component that referenced the deleted one, you can use Rebuild All Relationships to help resolve linking errors.
  • If you set ForceDeleteAllowed to true and the user is NOT an admin:
    • Referenced components cannot be deleted.
  • If you set ForceDeleteAllowed to false:
    • Neither an admin or non-admin can delete components that are referenced.

To allow an administrator to force Inspire to delete a component:

  1. From the Administration menu, select Advanced Settings, and then Features management.
  2. On the Features Management tab:
    1. After ForceDeleteAllowed, note the state. If the feature is enabled, it says true.
    2. After ForceDeleteAllowed, click Update.
  3. The checkbox is highlighted in blue. To change the state, clear or select the checkbox.
    • To enable the feature, select the checkbox.
    • To disable the feature, clear the checkbox.
  4. Click Update.
    Admin users must log out and back in to see the changes.