Manage translation jobs

You must have permission to be a translation coordinator or an administrator before you can work with translation jobs. After you select the component(s) you want to send to translation, you must configure the translation job. The job lets you specify the languages and how you want to export the files for translation. When you click Translate, the translation job begins. You can monitor the progress and update the details as work progresses.

Project Director has been renamed to GlobalLink Enterprise.


After a translation job starts, can I update the details?

Yes, you can update only specific details if a job is in the Translating state (not completed or cancelled). You can change:

  • Name of the translation job
  • Description
  • Translation Coordinator
  • Cancel Languages
  • Cancel translation of source Components

You can't change:

  • Due Date
  • Target Languages
  • Vendor
  • Export configuration
  • Filters
  • Option to exclude or Include referenced content
  • Option to exclude or Include schema
  • Option to exclude or Include binary files
  • Force translation of all components
  • Add new source Components
  • Add a new Language
  • Reference only components
  • Automatic Publish options

Follow the steps in Update translation details.

Administrators can also review jobs that are In Progress or Partially Completed and force them to have a status of Completed. For more information, read Force a translation job to be Completed.

Can I see all jobs or only my own?

On the Translation Management tab, you see a list of translation jobs filtered by your role.

Both administrators and translation coordinators are able to view translation jobs created by themselves as well as those created by other users.

  • Administrators. Users with administrator roles see all translation jobs in the organization no matter who created the translation request.
    • Admins can see all jobs in all possible states.
    • Admins don't have a See All option because they already see all jobs by default.
    • Admins can filter jobs if they want to see those sent by a specific user.
  • Translation coordinator. By default, users with a translation coordinator role but not an Admin role see only the jobs they create.
    • Coordinators can use the See All option to get a list of all translation jobs in the organization no matter who created the translation request.

      After you select the See All option, you must click Search to see an updated list of jobs.

    • The See All option shows a list of translation jobs in all possible states.
    • Translation coordinators who are also admins don't get the See All option because as an Admin they can already see all jobs in the organization.

Users who don't belong to either of these roles can only see the translation jobs they create.

Are files locked when they are sent to translation?

By default, yes.

  • You see a system lock in the Components browser on the component after it's sent to translation.

However, source files that are included in an active translation can be unlocked by an administrator in the following ways:

  • An administrator can enable a feature to leave the files unlocked when sent to translation. Admins can read Allow files to remain unlocked during translation.
  • Now an Administrator can now unlock any component with a system lock, even if it's included in a translation that's still in progress.
    • The admin sees a warning that any changes made while the component was locked will be lost.

Can I cancel part of a translation, like remove a language? Or do I have to cancel the entire job?

Yes, you can cancel active translation components, translation languages, or an entire translation job. Follow the steps in Cancel part or all of a translation job.

If a vendor is working in GlobalLink Enterprise (formerly known as Project Director) and finds a problem, can I resend the files?

Yes, if you sent them manually or used GlobalLink Portal (formerly Transport) to send them to GlobalLink Enterprise.

When you integrate the content you develop in Inspire with GlobalLink Enterprise, and a vendor finds a problem in one of the files, they can still complete their work on the remaining files and send them all back to you when they're done. In this scenario, you'll have to fix the errors found by the vendors and then send the files back to GlobalLink Enterprise. Follow the steps in Resend completed files to GlobalLink Enterprise.

How do I Complete a job that is cancelled in GlobalLink Enterprise or Inspire?

Project Director has been renamed to GlobalLink Enterprise.

You can reset the translation job and translation components so that the Status is changed to In Progress.
  • If there are any locked components, the process will fail. You will receive an email notification listing the components that are locked.

  • If all components are unlocked, the components in the translation job you are resetting will be locked.

Resetting a job in Inspire has no impact on the job in GlobalLink Enterprise. A user in GlobalLink Enterprise must reset the workflow there.

Can I save the translation details?

Yes, after a translation is complete, you can archive the translation to maintain an audit trail for future reference.

  • You can also save a list of translation jobs as a CSV file.

How do I remove a job from the list?

After a translation is complete, or if it's been cancelled, you can hide it so it doesn't show in the list or you can remove it permanently from Inspire.

Remember that jobs in the following States are hidden by default, but can be shown:

  • Completed
  • Cancelled
  • Archived

When you close the Translations Management tab, Inspire remembers if you selected any of the options to show jobs in these states. The next time you open the tab, the list of jobs is filtered in the same way.

To remove a translation from the list:

How do I know when a translation job is complete?

  • Translation coordinators receive an email notification that the translation was completed.
  • In the email notification, you can use the link to zip file to download deliverables.
  • When translation creates a zip, you see the filename as Translate-{Job Name}-{date/time}.zip.

Can I manually import translated files?

Yes, if:

  • You are an Administrator or a Translation coordinator.
  • The translation job does not have a State of Archived.
  • The translation job has a State of Completed or Cancelled.

You can go to the Translations tab, find the translation job, and use the Options menu to select Import Translation...

  1. On the Import Translation screen, you can select only one zip file.
  2. You receive a notification when the import process starts and is finished.
  3. The files in the zip are imported into Inspire for the translation job selected.

If the file is unchanged, Inspire will still import it you will see a notification about this action.

You can use the Import Translation... action for any type of translation vendor.

  • Make sure you Understand the translation process.
  • You should use this action with manual translations when there is a need for redelivery or you encounter another delivery issue.
  • You can also use this process with GlobalLink Enterprise (formerly known as Project Director) translations. See the following FAQ.

What do I do if GlobalLink Enterprise says the files were delivered but they aren't in Inspire?

Project Director has been renamed to GlobalLink Enterprise.

Please allow the job to complete normally.

  • The process time depends on the amount of targets being downloaded and imported.

If no have files are imported back into Inspire: