Archive a translation

You can hide completed translation jobs so they don't appear in the list of reviews on the Translations Management tab. This action helps you limit the list of jobs to ones that are still actively being worked on. You can hide a Cancelled or Completed translation job by archiving it.

Tips and tricks

  • Hidden archived translations can be added back into the list if you need to access them again. Use the following checkboxes in the toolbar above the list:

    • Include Completed
    • Include Cancelled
    • Include Archived

    When you close the Translations Management tab, Inspire remembers if you selected any of these filters. The next time you open the tab, the list of jobs is filtered in the same way.

  • You must archive a review first before you can delete it.

To archive a translation:

  1. Click Translations.
  2. On the Translations Management tab, in the list of jobs, select one that has a State of Cancelled or Completed.

    On the Translation Management tab, you see a list of translation jobs filtered by your role.

    • Both administrators and translation coordinators are able to view translation jobs created by themselves as well as those created by other users.
      • Translation coordinators who aren't also admins can select or clear the See All option to filter the list.

        After you select the See All option, you must click Search to see an updated list of jobs.

      • Translation coordinators who are also admins don't get the See All option because as an Admin they can already see all jobs in the organization.
    • Users who don't belong to either of these roles don't get the See All option and can only see the translation jobs they created.
  3. Right-click the job's row, and then select Archive.
    You can also access this option by clicking the Options menu and selecting Archive.
  4. To confirm, on the Archive Translation dialog, click Yes.
  5. To refresh the list of jobs, click refresh . You'll see that the archived translation job isn't in the list.
  6. To add an archived job back into the list, in the Translations toolbar, select Include Archived.