Use the editor toolbar

When you open a component by selecting Edit, you'll see your content in an XML editor that uses Oxygen functionality. You can access the toolbar at all times to manage file options, enrich your content by checking your spelling, adding images and reference links, and even define XML elements by generating IDs and applying profiling attributes.

Before you begin

To learn about saving your changes, downloading and printing a copy, read File management options on the toolbar.

To learn about options such as spell check, formatting text, and managing comments, read Content management options on the toolbar.

To learn about referencing existing content through cross-reference links and using keys to reuse content, read Linking options on the toolbar.

To learn about XML editing options, read XML editing options on the toolbar.

To learn about customizing how the editor displays content, read Editor display options on the toolbar.

While developing content in Inspire using the Oxygen XML Editor, if you encounter a problem you can write the description of the issue while still using the editor. Follow the steps in Report a problem in the Oxygen Editor.