Troubleshoot GlobalLink Enterprise issues

When you integrate the content you develop in Inspire with GlobalLink Enterprise (formerly known as Project Director) to easily manage translations, you need to manage issues and cancellations in both applications.

Project Director has been renamed to GlobalLink Enterprise.

How do I know if I'm working with a job sent to GlobalLink Enterprise?

  1. Go to the Translation Management tab.
  2. Look in the SubId column. GlobalLink Enterprise generates this ID. If there is an ID, then this job was sent to GlobalLink Enterprise.
  3. Look in the Project column. If the job was sent using an Inspire REST API method or a custom configuration your organization has created that uses the API method, it could have been sent to GlobalLink Enterprise.

In GlobalLink Enterprise, how do I know if I'm working with an Inspire job?

When you create a translation job, if you select a PD Rest Api configuration, then you can add the Inspire Translation Job Id to the Submission Name.

  • This lets you see the Inspire Job Id in GlobalLink Enterprise.
  • As a best practice, whenever you create a translation job for GlobalLink Enterprise, you should select Prepend Translation Job Id to Submission Name.

    This option is not selected by default.

Why do I get a failure notification that a language pair can't be found?

In Translation Target, to create a request that doesn't fail, you must:

  • Select a target language that is different from the language used in the source components.
  • Select a target language that exists in your project configuration in GlobalLink Enterprise (formerly known as Project Director).

For example, you include source components that are written in Japanese instead of English. When you request that the source content be translated into Japanese, that creates a language pair of Japanese to Japanese. However, in GlobalLink Enterprise you have a source-target language pair defined as English to Japanese.

  • If you submit a translation request for a language pair that does not exist in GlobalLink Enterprise, you see a failure notification.
  • If the language pair cannot be found, the translation job will not be created.

Correcting files

If a vendor finds an issue, you can correct files that are still being translated or that are completed. You use GlobalLink Portal to resend them without having to create a new translation project.

GlobalLink Portal was formerly known as GlobalLink Transport.

Resend corrected files using GlobalLink Portal

Resend completed files to GlobalLink Enterprise

Cancelling part of a job

Even if a vendor is working with GlobalLink Enterprise, you cancel the translation job.

You can cancel a translation job when the State is set to any of the following:

  • Needs Translation
  • In Progress
  • At Vendor
  • Translating
  • Partially Completed

An administrator can also configure Inspire to send a message to the vendor's application to cancel the job there also.

Configure an integration project to accept cancellations

Cancel a GlobalLink Portal translation job

Cancelling an entire job

When you send components to GlobalLink Enterprise for translation using GlobalLink Portal, you can cancel the translation job from GlobalLink Portal. Cancelling the job in this way also unlocks all the components in Inspire that were used in the translation job.

You can cancel an entire translation job sent to a vendor with the following criteria:

  • The vendor is working in an external application that Inspire can communicate with, such as GlobalLink Enterprise.
  • An administrator configures that vendor as using API Integration.
  • An administrator configures that Translation Project to accept cancellations.
  • The translation currently has a State of Translating, At Vendor, or In Progress.

You'll see a message asking if you also want to also cancel that job in the external application.

Cancel a GlobalLink Portal translation job

Forcing a job to be Completed

When a job contains cancelled and completed components, the State changes to Partially Completed.

Administrators can review jobs in any of the following States and force them to have a State of Completed:

  • Needs Translation
  • In Progress
  • Translating
  • Partially Completed
  • Cancelled

If all components are cancelled or completed, Inspire sets the State of the job to Completed.

If some components are still active, Inspire prompts you to cancel them.

Force a translation job to be Completed.

Resetting a job

You can now reset a cancelled translation job and translation components.

  • If a job is cancelled in Inspire, resetting the job changes its State back to In Progress.
  • Resetting a job in Inspire has no impact on the job in GlobalLink Enterprise. A user in GlobalLink Enterprise must reset the workflow there.

Reset a translation job

What do I do if GlobalLink Enterprise says the files were delivered but they aren't in Inspire?

Please allow the job to complete normally.

  • The process time depends on the amount of targets being downloaded and imported.

If no have files are imported back into Inspire:

How do I update Target language components when the Lock on Approval feature is being used?

Previously, when an administrator has enabled the Lock on Approval feature, after translation the target language files are locked. If the source components are updated, Inspire automatically sets the Status of the corresponding target language files to Needs Translation but the lock is not removed.
Now, the lock is removed from the target language files that have a Status of Needs Translation to prevent the translation job from failing because the target language files are locked.