Automating translation with GlobalLink Enterprise
You can integrate the content you develop in Inspire with GlobalLink Enterprise (formerly known as Project Director) to easily manage translations, ensuring they're always up to date.
You must have permission to be a Translation coordinator or an Administrator before you can work with translation jobs.
Tips and tricks
- Project Director has been renamed to GlobalLink Enterprise.
- If you need to translate a source component that's written in a language that isn't English, follow the steps in Translate to English first.
Manage normal translation cycles
Split up a job with a large number of source components
Manage issues in a translation cycle
Manage normal translation cycles
You can streamline your translation processes by automating the process of sending files to GlobalLink Enterprise and receiving the translated files back into Inspire.
- Create a translation job in Inspire.
- In Translation Project, select a configuration that uses the PD Rest Api or GlobalLink Portal.
- An advantage to using GlobalLink Portal (formerly GlobalLink TransPort) is that if a vendor finds errors in a file, you can log in and Resend corrected files using GlobalLink Portal. This allows you to correct files and resend them without having to create a new translation project. If you do want to create a new translation project you can do that in Inspire.
- In Translation Project, if you select a PD Rest Api configuration, you can add the Inspire Translation Job Id to the Submission Name.
- This lets you see the Inspire Job Id in GlobalLink Enterprise.
- To add the Job ID, on the Translate components screen, select Prepend Translation Job Id to Submission Name.
In Translation Target, to create a request that doesn't fail, you must:
- Select a target language that is different from the language used in the source components.
- Select a target language that exists in your project configuration in GlobalLink Enterprise (formerly known as Project Director).
If you submit a translation request for a language pair that does not exist in GlobalLink Enterprise, you see a failure notification. If the language pair cannot be found, the translation job will not be created in Inspire.
- If required, include additional information on the Attributes tab.
- If your organization is using custom schemas, select Include Schema. On the Translate components screen, go to the Components tab and add the schema file.
- Inspire automatically sends the files to GlobalLink Enterprise so the work can be done there.
You can track the progress of a translation job on the Translations Management tab.
On the Translations Management tab, you can now see a SubId column. GlobalLink Enterprise generates this submission ID.
If you look at a translation job and in the State column and see FailedRetrieving, it could indicate the following issues:
- This submission isn't done. Check the file's transfer progress in GlobalLink Enterprise.
- The translation file may have been corrupted during transmission. Check the file in GlobalLink Enterprise and if it's OK then resend it to Inspire.
- GlobalLink Enterprise receives the files and adds the job to the Submissions list.
- When work is complete, GlobalLink Enterprise sends the translated files back to Inspire.
- When the translator marks the Submission as Complete, GlobalLink Enterprise sends the translated files back to Inspire.
- The translation coordinator is notified by email.
- Inspire imports the translated versions.
When you create the translation job, for each component or group of components you want translated, you must select the languages you want the source files translated into.
Then Inspire creates a folder for each language you've selected.
When Inspire receives translated files back from GlobalLink Enterprise, it puts them in the language folders.
- Optionally, automate publishing of the completed translation. If you normally publish your content after the translation process is complete, you can automate this step in the translation request.
Split up a job with a large number of source components
If you are sending a large amount of files to GlobalLink Enterprise for translation, you can use the following procedure to split up the files into multiple jobs by language:
- Set a maximum value of files per job. In Inspire, admins can open the GlobalLink Enterpriser Configuration and set a Maximum Document value.
- Send source components to GlobalLink Enterprise for translation. After determining how many topics there are for each target language, Inspire uses the Maximum Document value to calculate how many languages can fit into a submission.
When creating a translation request with a large number of files, you do not need to select an option or set any special value. If an administrator sets a Maximum Document value, Inspire analyzes your job automatically and splits it if necessary.
- Inspire automatically creates multiple submissions. Each submission that is created includes a prefix of a dash and a number (-1, -2, -3, etc.) to help you identify that the submission was split up.
Fore more information, read Split large translation jobs sent to GlobalLink Enterprise.
Manage issues in a translation cycle
Cancel and reset jobs
Understand what to do when a translation job doesn't complete normally.
Forcing a job to be Completed
When a job contains cancelled and completed components, the State changes to Partially Completed.
Administrators can review jobs in any of the following States and force them to have a State of Completed:
- Needs Translation
- In Progress
- Translating
- Partially Completed
- Cancelled
Resetting a job
You can reset a cancelled translation job and translation components.
- If a job is cancelled in Inspire, resetting the job changes its State back to In Progress.
- Resetting a job in Inspire has no impact on the job in GlobalLink Enterprise. A user in GlobalLink Enterprise must reset the workflow there.
What do I do if GlobalLink Enterprise says the files were delivered but they aren't in Inspire?
Please allow the job to complete normally.
- The process time depends on the amount of targets being downloaded and imported.
If no have files are imported back into Inspire:
- You can use an option to try and retrieve translated files that weren't imported back into Inspire properly. Read Work with GlobalLink Enterprise delivery issues and Retrieve translated files with delivery issues.
- You must be an Administrator or the Translation Coordinator for the job to see this option.
- This option only works for jobs sent to GlobalLink Enterprise.