Cancel a GlobalLink Portal translation job

If a component is sent to translation using GlobalLink Portal, you can cancel the translation job from GlobalLink Portal. Cancelling the job in this way also unlocks all the components in Inspire that were used in the translation job.

Tips and tricks

  • GlobalLink Portal was formerly known as GlobalLink Transport.
  • If you aren't sure what method is being used to send components to translation, refer to the following steps and look at the Vendor: Open the View Translation screen.
    • If the Vendor says GlobalLink Portal, then you can use these steps.
    • For any other type of vendor, cancel the job in Inspire. Follow the steps in Cancel a translation job.
  • If most of a translation job is done, instead of cancelling the job, you can force a State of Completed. This is helpful if you have a job with multiple components and most are translated but the rest are cancelled. Also, sometimes you know that one component you sent for translation isn't ever coming back. This causes the State of the job to remain as Partially Completed. You can decide the job is done and manually set the State to Completed. Follow the steps in Force a translation job to be Completed.

  • You can reset a cancelled translation job and translation components.

    • If a job is cancelled in Inspire, resetting the job changes its State back to In Progress.
    • Resetting a job in Inspire has no impact on the job in GlobalLink Enterprise (formerly known as Project Director). A user in GlobalLink Enterprise must reset the workflow there.

    Reset a translation job

To cancel a translation job in GlobalLink Portal:

  1. Sign in to GlobalLink Portal.
    After a translation job is successfully created, Inspire locks the components and GlobalLink Portal lists the job as a Submission.

  2. In GlobalLink Portal, open the submission that matches the translation job name used in Inspire.
  3. On the Submission screen, click Override.
  4. On the Caution screen, in New Status, select Cancelled per your request, and then click Save New Status.
  5. On the Submission screen, to save your changes, click Save Submission Specs.
    • In Inspire, on the Translation Management tab, the translation job State changes to Cancelled.
    • In Inspire, the components used in the translation job are unlocked .
    • Check for target files. In translation, a target file is a copy of the source file that can been translated into a different language.
      • When you send a component to translation, Inspire creates a target file for each language you include in the translation request. This target file includes the original source content.
      • If you cancel a translation job before a target file is translated, then Inspire removes the target file.
      • If you cancel a translation job after a target file is translated, then Inspire leaves the target file even though the translation job was cancelled. This allows you to retain the translated file.