Manage translation integration

As an administrator, you can configure Inspire to communicate with external applications when content is ready to be translated. You do this by adding a translation integration method. You can also add a manual integration method to let translation coordinators know that Inspire isn't communicating with an external application when content is ready to be translated. After you add a translation integration method that isn't manual, Inspire automatically submits and retrieves translations from GlobalLink Enterprise (formerly known as Project Director) using a project code and vendor attributes.

Project Director has been renamed to GlobalLink Enterprise.


What external applications can I integrate with?

Currently, Inspire can communicate with one external application called GlobalLink Enterprise.

What integration methods can I configure?

  • Manual — you can use this method if there is no integration with external applications. You'll need to manually export a zip file of the translation job components and then send the zip file yourself to the translation vendor. When complete the vendor can deliver back a zip file which you'll need to import. For steps on exporting files, read Export content from the components browser.
  • GlobalLink Portal — you'll use this method if you want to integrate with GlobalLink Enterprise using a transmission tool built for this purpose. You'll configure Inspire to use GlobalLink Portal to submit and retrieve translations to GlobalLink Enterprise. To learn more about GlobalLink Portal, go to GobalLink's site for Modules.

    GlobalLink Portal was formerly known as GlobalLink Transport.

    An advantage to using GlobalLink Portal is that if a vendor finds errors in a file, you can log in and Resend corrected files using GlobalLink Portal. This allows you to correct files and resend them without having to create a new translation project. If you do want to create a new translation project you can do that in Inspire.

  • GlobalLink Connect — you'll use this method if you want to integrate with GlobalLink Enterprise using the GlobalLink Connect API. This integration uses the GlobalLink Connect Library to submit and retrieve translations to GlobalLink Enterprise. To learn more about Connect, go to the GlobalLink Connect website.
  • GlobalLink Rest APIs — you'll use this method if you want to integrate with GlobalLink Enterprise using the REST API (Representational State Transfer Application Program Interface). This integration method allows Inspire to communicate with GlobalLink Enterprise using a web service over HTTP.

Where are translation integration methods used?

When you create or update a translation project, you can identify if you need to work with an external application to translate your content. If Inspire communicates with an external application, you can include additional details with the translation job including a project code and attributes. You can associate only one integration per translation project.

What happens if an error is found in a file that I've sent using API Integration?

In this scenario:

  1. You send source files to GlobalLink Enterprise for translation.
  2. The translator starts work on the files in GlobalLink Enterprise.
  3. The translator finds an error in one of the files that they can't fix.
  4. The translator uses GlobalLink Enterprise to send the files back to you. The files without errors have been translated and the files with errors haven't been translated yet.
  5. After correcting the files with errors, you can either resend them to GlobalLink Enterprise or create a new translation job.

An advantage to using GlobalLink Portal is that if a vendor finds errors in a file, you can log in and Resend corrected files using GlobalLink Portal. This allows you to correct files and resend them without having to create a new translation project. If you do want to create a new translation project you can do that in Inspire.

  • If you're sending them manually, for example in email, then you can correct the files and resend them again manually.
  • If you're using GlobalLink Connect API to send the files, you'll need to create a new translation project in Inspire and resend only the corrected files.

If I cancel work in Inspire, does it also cancel the work in the integrated application?

Yes, if an administrator chooses to Configure an integration project to accept cancellations, the external application is notified that the translation job has been canceled.