Add a GlobalLink Rest API integration method

As an administrator, you can let translation coordinators know that Inspire will communicate with GlobalLink Enterprise (formerly known as Project Director) about the translation job using a web service. After you create a translation integration method called GlobalLink Rest Apis, the translation coordinator can select this option when sending files for translation.

Tips and tricks

  • You must be an Administrator to work with translation integration methods.
  • A REST API (Representational State Transfer Application Program Interface) allows software to communicate with other software over a network or on the same device. Most commonly, REST APIs are used to build web services. Often referred to as RESTful web services, REST uses HTTP methods to retrieve and post data between a client device and a server.
  • The information Inspire needs to connect to GlobalLink Enterprise using web services are contained in the translation integration method's Configuration Information.
  • To edit the Configuration Information settings:
    • (1) Create the API integration method.
      • Make sure you select the Active checkbox.
    • (2) Update the API integration method:
      • (2a) Authenticate your API integration.
      • (2b) Edit Configuration if necessary.
  • If you want to manually export a zip file of the translation job components and then send the zip file yourself to the translation vendor, follow the steps in Add a manual integration method.
  • If you want to integrate with GlobalLink Enterprise using a transmission tool built for this purpose, follow the steps in Add a GlobalLink Portal integration method.

    GlobalLink Portal was formerly known as GlobalLink Transport.

  • If you want to integrate with GlobalLink Enterprise using the GlobalLink Connect API, follow the steps in Add a GlobalLink Connect integration method.

For newly created integration methods, you won't be able to edit the configuration option until you do the following:

  • Create an Active GlobalLink Rest API integration
  • Update an Active integration
  • Authenticate the integration

To add a GlobalLink Rest Apis integration method:

  1. From the Administration_TopMenuOpt Administration menu, select Translation Settings, and then Translation integration management.
  2. On the Translation integration management tab, click Create.
  3. On the Add Translation Integration dialog, in Display Name, enter a title using 50 characters or less
  4. Optionally, in Description, enter text to help further identify this method in 1000 characters or less.
  5. If you want coordinators to be able to select this method, select the Active checkbox.
  6. In Integration Method, select GlobalLink Rest Apis.
  7. On the Add Translation Integration dialog, click Create.
    Results: You see the new method listed on the Translation integration management tab.
  8. If you want to use the Edit Configuration option, you must first Authenticate your integration method.
    1. Follow the steps in Authenticate an API translation integration.
    2. To update the Configuration information using the setup wizard, follow the steps in Edit the configuration information.