Force complete a GlobalLink Enterprise translation job

After you send one or more components to translation, if issues are found with the components, you can cancel a job or force it to be Completed. If the job was sent to GlobalLink Enterprise (formerly known as Project Director), forcing a State of Completed is helpful if you want any InProgress components that have been completed in GlobalLink Enterprise sent back into Inspire. If any InProgress components have not been completed in GlobalLink Enterprise, Inspire cancels the translation job in Inspire.

Tips and tricks

Project Director has been renamed to GlobalLink Enterprise.

How do I know if I'm cancelling a job sent to GlobalLink Enterprise?

  1. Go to the Translation Management tab.
  2. Look in the SubId column. GlobalLink Enterprise generates this ID. If there is an ID, then this job was sent to GlobalLink Enterprise.
  3. Look in the Project column. If the job was sent using an Inspire REST API method or a custom configuration your organization has created that uses the API method, it could have been sent to GlobalLink Enterprise.

If you selected a Translation Configuration of GlobalLink Portal (formerly Transport) or GlobalLink Rest API, the job can be sent to GlobalLink Enterprise.

View details for a translation job

If you selected a Translation Configuration of Manual or GlobalLink Connect, the job was not sent to GlobalLink Enterprise.

Force complete a non-GLE translation job

If you would rather cancel some or all of a job, follow the steps in Cancel part or all of a translation.

To force a GlobalLink Enterprise translation job to be Completed:

  1. Select Translations_TopMenuOpt Translations.
  2. On the Translations Management tab, in the list, find the translation you want to force complete.
    If you can't find the job you're looking for, do any of the following:
    • If there are multiple pages, scroll to the next page using the controls at the bottom of the list.
    • Sort the list by clicking a column heading.
    • Search for items in the list that contain a key word or phrase.
    • Limit the list to show only jobs in a specific state. Go to States, select an option, and then click the search icon .
    • Show hidden jobs by selecting the option for Include Archived. By default, the options for Include Completed and Include Cancelled are selected.
  3. Right-click the job or use Action_Menu the Options menu to select Complete.
    The job must have a status of:
    • Translating
    • At Vendor
    • In Progress
  4. On the Complete Translation message, click Yes.
    • If you click Yes, Inspire communicates with GlobalLink Enterprise to find out if any InProgress files have been completed.
      • If any InProgress files have been completed in GlobalLink Enterprise, Inspire gets them from PD and imports them back into Inspire. Inspire sets the translation job in Inspire to a State of Completed.
      • If no InProgress files have been completed in GlobalLink Enterprise, Inspire sets the translation job in Inspire to a State of Cancelled.
      • Translation coordinators receive an email notification that the translation was either cancelled or completed. It contains the following information:
        • The translation job ID. (For GlobalLink Enterprise and TransPerfect jobs.)
        • The translation job Name.
        • A list of target Languages used in the translation job.
        • If the job was successfully Completed in GlobalLink Vasont Inspire.
        • User Name of the account that completed or cancelled the translation job.
      • If you have issues, make sure an administrator configures the Translation Project you selected to accept cancellations.
    • If you click No, you must either wait for the remaining components to be completed or cancel them yourself.
    If the job completes normally but files are never imported back into Inspire, you can Retrieve translated files with delivery issues.