Publish multiple components

After you've created components and developed content, you can transform your Inspire content into a format your customers can use, such as PDF or HTML.

An Inspire administrator can define at the user and role level whether the Publish action is available.

  • By default, only administrators can publish content in Inspire.
  • You can see the Publish option only if you're an administrator or have the can_publish module property.

Tips and tricks

Set notifications. If you have changed the defaults and want to see publishing notifications, make sure you configure them before publishing. Follow the steps in Set notification preferences for publishing.

Use a Publish Configuration. The same settings on the Publish Component screen can also be set by an administrator in the Publish Configuration.

  • If you select options on the Publish Component screen, your settings are used even if they are in conflict with the Publish Configuration that an admin creates.
  • If you select options on the Publish Component screen that don't conflict with the Publish Configuration that an admin creates, then both sets of options are used.

Add tokens in the job's Publish Name. You can use tokens when publishing one or more components, or in a publishing profile. For help using tokens in a publishing profile, follow the steps in Publish from a profile with tokens.

To publish multiple components:

  1. Click Components_TopMenuOpt Components.
  2. In the Folders pane, locate the folder that contains the components you want to publish.
  3. In the Components pane, select checkbox for the components you want to publish.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you've selected all the components you want to publish.
    Inspire may remember the components you choose on the Selected Components panel. After you select Publish from the toolbar, those components remain listed on the Selected Components panel. If you want to choose different components to act on or clear the components listed, go to the Selected Components toolbar and click the Clear all icon .
  5. On the Selected Components pane, click the Publish icon publish_multiple.
  6. On the Publish Component screen, in Publish Name, do one of the following:

    • Leave the Publish Name empty. You will have to find the publishing job using the names of the components or the date and time.
    • Enter a custom name. Use 100 characters or less. To add tokens, follow the steps in:
    • Select a Publish Configuration to populate the name. If the configuration does not include a Publish Name, this field remains empty.
  7. Optionally, on the Publish Component screen, in Publish Configuration, select the publish option that contains the settings you want to use.

    This configuration is created by an administrator and includes settings such identifying the export process to use, validating XML, and using profiling attribute filters.

    An administrator can choose a Publish Configuration to be shown automatically as the default. If you need to use something other than the default, you can select another option.

    The same settings on the Publish Component screen can also be set by an administrator in the Publish Configuration.

    • If you select options on the Publish Component screen, your settings are used even if they are in conflict with the Publish Configuration that an admin creates.
    • If you select options on the Publish Component screen that don't conflict with the Publish Configuration that an admin creates, then both sets of options are used.
    For some customers, Inspire provides a publishing configuration and a publishing plug-in for DOCX. If it's supported for your organization, you can select the Publish Docx option.
  8. In Export Configuration (Publish), select the format you want the output to be in, for example PDF or HTML.

    Your configuration choice is used to create the output, even if it is in conflict with the Export Configuration (Publish) set in the Publish Configuration by an administrator.

  9. If you've applied profiling attributes to content in the component you're publishing, you can use filters.
    1. To choose the profiling attributes you want included in the publishing job, click Add Filter.
    2. On the Filter profiling attributes tab, select the options you want to publish, and then click Select.
      Result: You see the profiling attributes you select on the Publish Component dialog, listed after the Clear Filter button.
  10. If you want to verify that your XML code in your component is valid according to your framework at the time of publishing, select the Validate XML option.
    By default this option is not selected.
  11. If you want to import the published deliverable back into Inspire automatically, select Create Attachment.
    1. In Target Folder, select the location where you want the publish deliverable saved.

      The file is saved as a binary. By default, it is named using the following default format: Publish-{ComponentName}-YYYY-MM-DD-HHHHMM. However, an administrator can configure Inspire to omit the timestamp from the published file name.

  12. If you want to verify that your XML code in your component is valid according to your framework at the time of publishing, select the Validate XML option.
    By default this option is not selected.
  13. To add a snapshot to the history for this component and all referenced content, click Create snapshot.
    1. On the Create snapshot dialog, in Name, enter a descriptive title for the version in 50 characters or less.
    2. Optionally, in Comment, enter additional information differentiating this version from other snapshots in 2000 characters or less.
    3. On the Create snapshot dialog, click Create.
      Result: You see a component snapshot labeled On Demand on the History tab. Look in Component details for a list of the components that were included when you created the snapshot.

      Follow the steps in View a snapshot.

  14. On the Publish Component dialog, click Publish.

    In the top-right corner, you see a message that Inspire is preparing your publishing job.

    After Inspire successfully submits the job, you receive a notification that you can review on the Notifications tab, in Slack if it's configured for notifications, and in email.

    When you completes a task that triggers a notification, such as publishing content, the Slack and email body contain:

    • The notification with ten or less Issues, Errors, and Warnings.
    • A link at the bottom of the message [See Full Version].
    • You can click the [See Full Version] link to expand a section under the link with the full details.

    Tips and tricks

    You can use Publish Server to see job status and histories, download files related to a job, and re-publish content from an existing job. To learn about job management, read Welcome to Publish Server.

    • Open Publish Server from a link in the following places:
    • For the following Inspire publishing formats, you download a ZIP file that includes multiple files:
      • HTML
    • For the following publishing formats, you download a single standalone file:
      • PDF
      • DocBook PDF
      • DocBook HTML
      • DOCX
    • When you use the Zoomin publishing option, you must open the notification and use the link to go to the Zoomin site.
    • For custom publishing options, you can configure the publishing deliverables.