Open and manage messages on the Notifications tab

When you select an option that requires Inspire to perform a task, you'll get a notification about its progress. All of your notifications are listed on the Notifications panel. However, the panel only includes a brief description. To read more details about the event that caused the notification you need to open it in the Notifications tab. From this tab you can also mark messages as read or unread, download referenced content, open projects and reviews, and delete notifications.

Tips and tricks

You can also open the Notifications tab from the panel.

  • The Notification panel includes an option in the title bar that opens the Notifications tab.
  • If you already have the panel open and want to get to the Notifications tab quickly, go to the top right corner, click notifications_icon the Notifications icon, and then select See all notifications.

If you don't see notifications:

  • Click the refresh icon ReadOnly_Refresh. All notifications appear in the list, even if they are marked as read.
  • Make sure you have configured your notifications. Follow the steps in Change your notification preferences.
  • By default, users are not notified when a publishing request has completed successfully.

All new users added on or after March 6, 2024 have all notifications turned on by default.

Plan on a 30-day retention

Inspire only keeps notifications for 30 days after it's sent.

  • It doesn't matter what State the notification is in (Read, Unread). All message are deleted 30 days after they're sent unless you delete them first.
  • Remember that by default, Inspire also sends notifications to the email address associated with your Inspire account. If you need to save a notification for longer than 30 days, you can manage that in your email application.

Open a notification

  1. In the top menu, click Notifications Notification TopMenu .
  2. From the list of notifications, select the one you want to read.
    Note: If you want to read the entire contents of the notification:
    1. At the top of the list, select See all notifications.
    2. From the list of notifications, select the one you want to read.
    3. The same message that is sent to your email is displayed below the list in the Details pane.

Search for a notification

If your list of notifications is long, you can run a basic search to limit the list to only ones that include a keyword or phrase in some of the columns. You can't search in the body of the notification.

You can search in any of the following columns:

  • Subject
  • Summary
  • State

To search for a notification:

  1. In the top menu, click Notifications Notification TopMenu .
  2. In Search, enter a keyword or phrase.
  3. Optionally, you can filter your results to only include a specific type of Alert.
    • Info
    • Warning
    • Failure
    • Finished
    You can add multiple types of Alerts.
    To clear an Alert, in the type's box, click Remove.
  4. Optionally, you can filter your results to only include notifications in a specific State.
    • Unread
    • Read
    • Archived
    You can add multiple States.
    To clear a State, in the type's box, click Remove.
  5. Click Search.
    Result: You see only notifications that meet your search criteria.

    To clear your results and see all notifications, in Search, click Clear.

Mark a message as read or unread

You can mark a notification as Read to decrease the number of new notifications. Marking a message as read does not hide it. All notifications appear in the list, even if you mark them as read.

  1. To mark one notification as read, in the list select the notification, click Action_Menu the Options menu, and select Mark as read.
    To mark multiple messages as read at the same time:
    1. Select the check box for each message.
    2. In the Selected Messages pane, click the closed envelope icon Mark_as_unread.
  2. To mark one notification as unread, select the notification, click the Options menu, and select Mark as read.
    To mark multiple messages as unread at the same time:
    1. Select the check box for each message.
    2. In the Selected Messages pane, click the open envelope icon Mark_as_read.

Download content

If a notification references a file you can download it from inside the message. For example, if you publish a component to a PDF, the notification that it was successfully completed includes a link to download the PDF.

  1. On the Notifications tab, in the list of notifications, select a notification that includes a file, such as a successfully published notification.
  2. Below the list in the Details pane, scroll through the message until you see the following text:
    Click the link to download the published document.

Open a review

If you are being notified about a the status of a review, you can open it from inside the message to see more details and work on the components in the review.

  1. On the Notifications tab, in the list of notifications, select a notification for a review, such as a new review assignment.
  2. Below the list in the Details pane, scroll through the message until you see the Review section.
  3. After Title, click the link.

Open a project

If you are being notified about a project's status, you can open it from inside the message to see more details and manage the project.

  1. On the Notifications tab, in the list of notifications, select a notification for a project.
  2. Below the list in the Details pane, scroll through the message until you see the Project section.
  3. After Title, click the link.

Download a copy of the notification body

If you want to save a copy of the text in the message body of the notification, you can save it as a PDF.

A sample of the message body PDF looks similar to the following:

  • The name of the PDF with the notification body uses the following format:{Subject}_{DateTime}.pdf.

    For example My Report_{current date/time}.pdf

If you want to download the published document instead of the notification body, select the notification to open the reading pane and click the document's link. For more information, follow the steps in Download content.

To download a PDF of the notification body:

  1. In the top menu, click Notifications Notification TopMenu .
  2. From the list of notifications, select the one you want to read.
  3. In the notification's row, select the Options menu.
  4. Select Download PDF.

  5. In the top right corner of the Inspire screen, you see a notification with the PDF's name.

    Results: You can go to your local computer, open the Downloads folder, and see a copy of the notification's message body

Delete messages

Use caution when deleting a message, as you can't undo this action or recover the notification in Inspire. If notifications are sent to you in email then you may still have a copy in your inbox. Deleting a message is the only way to remove it from the Notifications panel and tab. You can't archive or hide a notification.

To delete one notification, in the list select the notification, click Action_Menu the Options menu, and select Delete.
To delete multiple notifications at the same time:
  1. In the list, select the check box for each notification.
  2. In the Selected Messages pane, click the trash can icon Delete All.