View a snapshot

As you work with a component in Inspire, changes between versions are stored in a file called a snapshot. Inspire creates some snapshots for you. You can also take a snapshot of a component whenever you want. For more information on snapshots, read Manage versions in snapshots.

Tips and tricks

Can I edit a snapshot?
Not directly, but you can save it as a new component or export the content in various ways.
To make changes to a snapshot, you must either save it as a new component or restore it to replace the current version first. Follow the steps in Restore a snapshot.
Can I compare snapshots?
Yes, from the History tab you can choose Compare with... and use the Oxygen read-only viewer to see the differences between the two files. Refer to Compare snapshots.

To view a snapshot:

  1. Click Components_TopMenuOpt Components.
  2. In the Folders pane, locate the component that you want to restore to a previous version.
  3. In the Components pane, right-click the component and then select Details...
    You can access the same menu by clicking Action_Menu the Options menu.
  4. On the Component Details screen, select the History tab.
  5. To see a read-only version of the component exactly as it appeared, right-click on a snapshot and select View.