Manage review details
When a review is in a State of Reviewing or Resolving, Review Coordinators and administrators can update the settings. You can change the title, coordinator, due date, description, components, and reviewers.
- If a review is in a State of Cancelled or Completed, you can only view the settings.
- If the start date has already passed you can't change it.
- Before all reviewers have marked their review as Completed, you can cancel the review if you need to. This action lets reviewers know they should stop evaluating the content in the review.
By default, files being reviewed are locked with
a system lock that was only removed after the review was completed or cancelled. However, administrators can customize Inspire to allow for the following behavior:
- If a user is an administrator or has been added to the can_unlock_system module property, they can unlock a component with a red system lock after it's been included in a review.
- The component being reviewed is unlocked and remains in the review.
- Any changes made before the component is unlocked are lost.
- Users can then edit the content while it's in a review, and this may cause issues when the review is completed.