Change the review Approver

When a review is in a State of Reviewing or Resolving, you can update the user assigned to see and fill out the Review Approval screen and complete a review. If a review is in a State of Cancelled or Completed, you can only view the Approver assignment.

Tips and tricks

After a coordinator resolves all changes in a review, the review Approver can choose to approve components in the review. The review Approver must fill out the information on the Review Approval screen before a review can be completed.

  • When you are creating a review, this role is assigned to the Review Coordinator by default.
  • You can change the default to assign the approver role to any Inspire user that has permissions to work on reviews.
  • If the review Approver is the same user as the Review Coordinator, when a review is resolved, the Review Coordinator will see the Review Approval screen.
  • Review Approvers do not have the same permissions as the review coordinator or an administrator.
    • A user assigned to the review Approver role cannot update, cancel, or resolve a review.
    • A user assigned to the review Approver role is notified that a review has been resolved and needs to be approved.
  • If the review Approver is not the same user as the Review Coordinator, when a review is resolved, the Review Coordinator does not see the approval screen.

This approval feature applies only to reviews that are not part of a workflow.

To change the review Approver:
  1. Click Reviews.
  2. On the Reviews Management tab, in the list of reviews, select the review, right-click the row, and then select Open details.
    You can also access this option by clicking the Options menu and selecting Open details.
  3. If a review is in a State of Reviewing or Resolving, you'll see the Update Review screen.
  4. On the Create Review screen, in the details section, to change the user who can complete the Review Approval screen, select a user from the Approver list.

    This user can be the same one selected as review Coordinator.

  5. On the Update Review screen, click Update.
    Results: Inspire notifies each reviewer that the review has been updated.
    When you complete a task that triggers a notification, such as creating a review, the Slack and email message bodies contain:
    • The notification with ten or less Issues, Errors, and Warnings.
    • A link at the bottom of the message [See Full Version].
    • You can click the [See Full Version] link to expand a section under the link with the full details.