Change the review Approver
When a review is in a State of Reviewing or Resolving, you can update the user assigned to see and fill out the Review Approval screen and complete a review. If a review is in a State of Cancelled or Completed, you can only view the Approver assignment.
Tips and tricks
After a coordinator resolves all changes in a review, the review Approver can choose to approve components in the review. The review Approver must fill out the information on the Review Approval screen before a review can be completed.
- When you are creating a review, this role is assigned to the Review Coordinator by default.
- You can change the default to assign the approver role to any Inspire user that has permissions to work on reviews.
- If the review Approver is the same user as the Review Coordinator, when a review is resolved, the Review Coordinator will see the Review Approval screen.
- Review Approvers do not have the same permissions as the review coordinator or an administrator.
- A user assigned to the review Approver role cannot update, cancel, or resolve a review.
- A user assigned to the review Approver role is notified that a review has been resolved and needs to be approved.
- If the review Approver is not the same user as the Review Coordinator, when a review is resolved, the Review Coordinator does not see the approval screen.
This approval feature applies only to reviews that are not part of a workflow.
To change the review Approver: