Import components
If you want to add content to a component, such as an image, and it isn't stored in Inspire yet, you can import it. You can import files from the Components browser or a project folder by browsing or using drag and drop.
Tips and tricks
- You can import one or more files in one import process.
- You can import a combination of XML files, image files, or non-XML files.
- You can import a ZIP archive and choose to have the contents of the ZIP file extracted during the import process.
- You can import files into one folder only.
- If a file already exists, you can import it again into its existing folder.
- Inspire now supports content references to ditabase topics. A ditabase topic is a composite topic. Before maps, ditabase was used to collect multiple topics and structure them within a single topic file.
- When you import a topic with a conref to a ditabase topic, Inspire creates a valid reference.
When you import an XML file with elements, Inspire will either assign a unique ID to all elements that don't have one, or only to supported elements. If you are an administrator read Create automatic IDs for all elements.
When you complete a task that triggers a notification, such as importing content, the Slack and email message bodies contain:
- The notification with ten or less Issues, Errors, and Warnings.
- A link at the bottom of the message [See Full Version]
- You can click the [See Full Version] link to expand a section under the link with the full details.
Import restrictions
Application administrators and users must have special permissions to create subfolders
To create a new folder structure in Inspire by importing a ZIP file, an administrator or user must have the required permissions.
for administrators, the required permissions vary by admin role type.
- Application Administrators. By default, when importing a ZIP file, your organizational admins do not see the option to Create Subfolders.
- If you want users who belong to this role to create a new folder structure when importing a ZIP file, you must give them permission.
- To grant these permissions, add the Application Administrators role, an admin user, or non-admin user to the Content Browser module property called can_create_import_subfolders.
- Follow the steps in Allow application administrators to import subfolders.
- System Administrators. By default, when importing a ZIP file, Vasont Inspire administrators can see and select the option to Create Subfolders. You can't change or remove this default permission.
Malformed XML isn't imported
If you import an XML that has incorrect syntax or uses illegal character, Inspire no longer imports the XML file as a binary with an InvalidXML file type.
- If your document does not conform to the XML syntax rules of a Document Type Definition (DTD), XML Schema, or other type of schema that defines the structure of an XML document, you see an error.
- After Inspire shows you an error, the malformed XML file is skipped.
You can correct the XML errors and try again.
File names must be 100 characters or less
When you create a component in Inspire, you must use a file name of 100 characters or less.
When you export a component, a GUID (globally unique identifier) is added to the file name.
When you import a file back into Inspire, the file name and GUID together must not exceed 200 characters.
If the file name and GUID length exceeds 200 characters, Inspire won't import the file.
The files can't be part of an active translation job
When you import files, Inspire checks to make sure none of the files are in an active translation job.
If the files you are importing are part of an active translation job:
- The entire import will fail, even if some files are not part of an active translation job.
- You see an error message: You are trying to import files that are part of an active translation job. Use the "Import translation" action in the translation management tab instead.
- You see one error for each file you are trying to import that is part of an active translation job. File ({fileName}) was found in translation job ({translation job id}).
To import translation files:
- Go to the
Translation Management tab.
- Select the job that the files belong to.
- Right-click the job or click the
Options menu.
- Select Import translation...
For more information, read Import translated components.