Delete a folder

You can remove a folder from the Components browser if it's empty or if none of the components it contains has a relationship with other components. You can delete a folder using the Options menu or the right-click menu.

Tips and Tricks

Fixing errors

If any of the components in the folder or one of its sub-folders has a relationship with other components in the folder hierarchy, you see the following error when you try to delete a folder:

To remove relationships so you can delete a folder:

  • For each component in the folder, See where a component is used.
  • Go into each sub-folder and check each component's references using See where a component is used.
  • Go into each sub-folder and delete the components it contains one at a time to see where the errors are.
  • In the folder you want to delete, delete the components it contains until the folder is empty.

Restoring deleted components

If you delete a folder, the folder can't be restored but you can re-create it.

  • Any components contained in a folder you delete are sent to the Deleted Items folder until you delete them permanently. Follow the steps in Permanently delete components.
  • If you want to restore a component, and you deleted the original folder without re-creating it, the component is restored to the parent folder that contained the folder you deleted. Follow the steps in Restore deleted components.

Delete a folder using the Options menu

  1. Click Components.
  2. In the Folders pane, select the folder that you want to delete.
  3. Click the Options menu, and select Delete.
  4. On the Delete Folder screen, click Yes.

    If any of the components in the folder or one of its sub-folders has a relationship with other components in the folder hierarchy, you see an Application Error.

    1. Review the error message.
    2. Click Close.

    If you don't see any errors:

    • The folder is removed from the folder hierarchy.
    • The components are moved to the Deleted Items folder.

Delete a folder using the right-click menu

  1. Click Components.
  2. In the Folders pane, select the folder that you want to delete.
  3. Right-click the folder, and select Delete.
  4. On the Delete Folder screen, click Yes.

    If any of the components in the folder or one of its sub-folders has a relationship with other components in the folder hierarchy, you see an Application Error.

    1. Review the error message.
    2. Click Close.

    If you don't see any errors:

    • The folder is removed from the folder hierarchy.
    • The components are moved to the Deleted Items folder.