Set notification preferences for projects

When you're working with a project, and you select an option that requires Inspire to perform a task, such as change the state of an assignment, you get a notification about it. You can review the list of actions in the Projects module that trigger a notification and configure your preferences for whether you want a notification, and where you want to see it.

All new users added on or after March 6, 2024 have all notifications turned on by default.

Tips and tricks

  • If you want to set preferences at the module-level for Projects, global Notifications must also be On. Set global notification preferences.
  • Look for the module name in a grey title bar.

  • You can only turn notifications On or Off for the entire module.
  • You can't set a preference for where notifications are sent for the entire module.
  • You can set a preference for where each notification is sent at the module sub-level for each action.
  • For more information on notification preferences, read Change your notification preferences.

You can manage notifications at the global, module, and action level. If you set all three levels of notification preferences, Inspire uses the most granular setting instead of the global setting.

For example: if you set

  • Global
    • Notifications are On
    • Only In-app selected
  • Module
    • Components notifications are On
  • Action
    • Only Email selected (For Notify when a new branch is created)

When a new branch is created, you receive an Email notification only.

If you want to set any preferences at the action level, you must turn on global Notifications and module Projects notifications.

To set module notification preferences for Projects:

  1. In the top right corner of the Inspire menu bar, click the Settings option.
  2. In Notifications:
    1. Select On.
    2. Optionally, select where you want to see a notification if a preference is not set at the module and action level.
  3. Scroll down to the Projects notification settings, and in the grey title bar, select On.
  4. Now you can select where you want to receive the notification as Email, Slack (if enabled), and In-app.
    If you don't set a preference for a Projects module action, Inspire uses the global Notification preference.
    Notify me when:
    1. A new assignment is created. Create an assignment.
    2. An assignment state is updated. Update an assignment.
    3. An existing assignment is deleted. Remove an assignment.
  5. In the Projects Due/Overdue Notifications section, you can set the following notification preferences:
    1. In Receive Notifications via, select any of the following: Email, Slack (if enabled), and In-app.
    2. To be reminded before a due date, after Notify, enter the number of days.
    3. To have the notification repeated before the due date, in Repeat, select one of the following:
      • None
      • Every Business Day
      • Every 2 Days
      • Every 3 Days
      • Weekly
    4. To be reminded after a due date has passed, in After the due date, continue to notify, select one of the following:
      • None
      • Every Business Day
      • Every 2 Days
      • Every 3 Days
      • Weekly
  6. Click Save.

    Results: Your user notification preferences are updated immediately after you click Save.

  7. Close the window.