Export content as an Admin
Any Inspire user with access to components can download a copy of content stored in an Inspire component. This is useful if you want to back up important content or to move it to another application that Inspire doesn't communicate with. As an admin, you have the option to export the folder structure along with the components.
Tips and tricks:
- You can export one or more component(s)
- You can't export History records
- You can't export deleted components
- You can export folder structures from the Components browser
- The Create subfolders option is not selected by default
- The Create subfolders option is not available on the History tab or
- The Create subfolders option is not available in the Deleted items folder
- The Create subfolders option is not available in a Project
- The files are exported in a folder structure and zipped
- If you export a single file, it is still zipped
- If the folder structure you choose in Inspire contains empty folders, the empty sub-folders are not created in the ZIP file
Exported components use the following format:
Export-{Component Name}-{date/time}.zip
- For example, Export-Cloud_Computing-2022-12-21-03588.zip
- {Component Name} is the source component you select.
- The Component Name is truncated after 50 characters.
To export components without a folder structure: