Create a project from components
From the Components browser you can create a project by selecting the components you want to include. Then you can add the participants and assignments that you are using in the project. When you create a project, Inspire assigns you as the project owner.
- Click Components.
- On the Component Management tab, in the Folders pane, select the checkbox next to all of the components you want to collect into a project.
In the Selected Components pane:
a. If you need to, you can use Options menu options to work with the component:
- Edit - Opens the component in the Oxygen XML Editor. If the component is a workflow, then it's opened in the workflow editor. This option doesn't work for binary components.
- View - Opens the component in the Oxygen XML Editor as Read Only. If the component is a workflow, then it's opened in the workflow editor as Read Only. If the component is a binary, then it's opened in a viewer.
- Go to - Displays the component on the Components tab in the grid and selects the component. If the component isn't listed on the first page, then Inspire displays the page where the component is listed.
b. Click Create project. - On the Create project dialog, on the Details tab, in Title, enter a brief description of the goal in 100 characters or less.
- To to avoid navigating through the entire folder structure when you need to select a folder location, select a default folder to be your working folder in System Folder. The System folder also needs to be defined so that Inspire knows where to save components that are created directly from a project.
- Optionally, you can:
- On the Create Project dialog, click Create.
- To assign work on components to team members, follow the steps in Assign a project task to a participant.
Add optional details
- On the Details tab, to choose a date when the project begins, in Start By, click the calendar to select a the current date or a date in the future
- To choose a date when all of the work should be completed, in Complete By, click the calendar to select a date that's after the Start By date.
- To choose a date when the completed work is due to be handed off to the next stage, such as publishing or a translation vendor, in Due Date, click the calendar to select a date that's after the Complete By date.
- By default, Inspire assigns you as the Owner. To changes this, use the drop down arrow to select a new owner.
To add more details about the project, in Description, enter text up to 1000 characters.
Add optional participants
To add optional participants:
- Click the Participants tab.
- On the Participants tab, click Add Participant.
In Available Users/Roles, select the option next to each group and user who will work on this project.
When you click on a user, you see a Details pane to the right of the Users pane. You can use these details to make sure the user has the permissions they need to complete work on this project.
- Click Select.
- Repeat steps 2-4 to add all team members.
Add more components
To add optional components:
- Click the Components tab.
To add existing components:
- On the Components tab, click Add Components...
On the Select Components dialog, in the Folders pane, select the location of the existing component.
You can use searches and queries to find the components you need. Follow the instructions in Add existing components to a project.
- On the Select Components dialog, in the Components pane, select the checkbox of the existing component.
- Repeat steps a-c to select all the components you need.
- On the Select Components screen, click Select.
To create new components:
- On the Components tab, click Create component...
- On the Create Component screen, in Target Folder, the location you selected on the Details tab is shown. If you want to change this, use the drop down arrow to select a new folder.
- In Available Templates, select what type of content is in this component.
- In New Component Name, enter a title for the component in 100 characters or less.
In Language, select the language that the content is written in.
When you open this component to edit it, Inspire loads the spelling dictionary for the language you choose.
Optionally, if you want this component to contain a template structure instead of content, select Create as Template.
Only use this option if you want to create a new template. The next time you create a component, you can select this as a type in Available Templates.
- Click Create.
- To create more components, repeat steps a-g.