Manage workflow transitions in a template
Inspire provides you with a template for the process of getting reviews and developing content. If you want a workflow that contains different activities or a custom option, you can update the template. Whenever you update an activity, you should review the transitions and make sure they are still appropriate.
Inspire workflow templates are designed around an Activity.
- Activities are connected by transitions.
The transition boxes normally start with a verb (an action word) such as Make, Send, Decline.
- Transitions tell Inspire what to do when an Activity is completed.
- You must have at least one starting Activity to create a Transition.
- You can have multiple transitions that occur after an activity.
- You can't drag-and-drop arrows to move a transition. You must update the From and To Activity.
- A transition can be created for an action that progresses the workflow, such as Approve.
- A transition can also be created for an action that returns the workflow to a previous step, such as Decline approval.
- If you remove an activity that a Transition is linked to, the transition box is highlighted in red.
What do you want to do?
Create a transition
Transitions tell Inspire what to do when an Activity is completed. Transitions are created from activities, so you must have at least one Activity to create a Transition. You can have multiple transitions that occur after an activity.
To create a transition:
Update a transition
You can change the start and ending activities to move a transition within the workflow steps by updating it. You can also edit the transition Name and manage any attached actions.
To move your transition in the editor but not change the start and ending activities, click the transition's title bar, and when you see the move cursor, drag it inside the editor.
To update a transition:
Delete a transition
If you delete the only transition that links two activities, Inspire can't automate the workflow. You can update the transition instead of deleting it. If you need to delete the only transition that links two activities, make sure to create a new transition if you want Inspire to run the workflow.
To delete a transition: