Manage activity status in a template

Inspire provides you with a template for the process of getting reviews and developing content. If you want a workflow that contains different activities, you can update the template. Each Activity has a Status that tells you what is happening to the components in that step of the workflow.

Inspire workflow templates are designed around an Activity.

  • Each activity has a required status.
  • Inspire provides the following default activities that you can edit or remove:
    • Writing
    • Reviewing
    • Publishing
  • You can only have one status per activity.
  • The same status can be used in multiple activities.

What do you want to do?

  • Create a status
  • To add a status to a new activity, follow the steps in Add a new activity.
  • To update the status for an activity, follow the steps in Update an activity.
  • Update a status
  • Delete a status

Create a status

If you don't want to edit or update the statuses that Inspire provides, you can create a new Status to identify what's happening to the components during an Activity in the workflow. After you create a Status you can select it when creating or updating an Activity.

To create a status:

  1. Click Components.
  2. In the Folders pane, select Workflows.
  3. In the Components pane, select a workflow.
  4. In the workflow editor, go to the toolbar and select Statuses.
  5. On the Status Management screen, click Create.
    You see a new row in the list. This is where you enter information about the status.
  6. In the new row, in the first box, enter the Name. This is usually an adverb (action + "ing") and is a unique title that describes how users are interacting with the components during an activity.
  7. Optionally, in the second box you can enter a Description. Here you can enter more details about what the user should do to complete this action.
  8. To save your changes, click Create.
    • You can see your new status listed on the Status Management screen.
    • You can select your new action when creating or updating an Activity.
    You can now:
    • If you are done updating the workflow, to close the workflow editor, click Save and Submit.
    • If you want to keep working but save your changes locally, click Save Progress.
    • If you want to make other changes to a review workflow, continue to Update the review workflow template.
    • If you want to make other changes to a topic workflow, continue to Update the topic workflow template.

Update a status

After you create a Status you can change its Name and Description. You can update any Status that Inspire provides as well as new ones you've created.

To update a status:

  1. Click Components.
  2. In the Folders pane, select Workflows.
  3. In the Components pane, select a workflow.
  4. In the workflow editor, go to the toolbar and select Statuses.
  5. On the Status Management screen, click Update.
    You see a the row become editable. This is where you edit information about the status.
  6. In the active row, in the first box, edit the Name. This is usually an adverb (action + "ing") and is a unique title that describes how users are interacting with the components during an activity.
  7. Optionally, in the second box you can edit the Description. Here you can enter more details about what the user should do to complete this action.
  8. To save your changes, click Update.
  9. On the Status Management screen, click Save.
    • You can see your updated status on the Status Management screen.
    • You can select your updated action when creating or updating an Activity.
    You can now:
    • If you are done updating the workflow, to close the workflow editor, click Save and Submit.
    • If you want to keep working but save your changes locally, click Save Progress.
    • If you want to make other changes to a review workflow, continue to Update the review workflow template.
    • If you want to make other changes to a topic workflow, continue to Update the topic workflow template.

Delete a status

If you don't need to select a status when you create or update an activity, you can permanently delete it from the list on the Status Management screen.

You can't delete a Status if it's used in an Activity.

To remove the status from the workflow:

  1. For each activity in your workflow, follow the steps in Update an activity.
  2. If the status that you want to remove permanently is listed, change it to a different status.

To remove the status from the list:

  1. Click Components.
  2. In the Folders pane, select Workflows.
  3. In the Components pane, select a workflow.
  4. In the workflow editor, go to the toolbar and select Statuses.
  5. On the Status Management screen, find the status you want to delete and select Remove.
  6. On the confirmation screen, click Yes.
  7. On the Status Management screen, click Save.
    • The selected status is no longer listed on the Status Management screen.
    • When you create or update an activity, you can no longer select the status.
    You can now:
    • If you are done updating the workflow, to close the workflow editor, click Save and Submit.
    • If you want to keep working but save your changes locally, click Save Progress.
    • If you want to add a new transition to replace the one you deleted, Create a transition.
    • If you want to make other changes to a review workflow, continue to Update the review workflow template.
    • If you want to make other changes to a topic workflow, continue to Update the topic workflow template