Find components in cancelled jobs

If you need to find components that are part of a cancelled translation you can use Advanced search.

On the Translation Management tab, you can use a query to alter the list of translation jobs. Be aware the list of jobs is already filtered by your role.

  • Both administrators and translation coordinators are able to view translation jobs created by themselves as well as those created by other users.
    • Translation coordinators who aren't also admins can select or clear the See All option to filter the list.

      After you select the See All option, you must click Search to see an updated list of jobs.

    • Translation coordinators who are also admins don't get the See All option because as an Admin they can already see all jobs in the organization.
  • Users who don't belong to either of these roles don't get the See All option and can only see the translation jobs they created.

To find components in cancelled jobs:

  1. Click Components.
  2. On the Components tab, click the advanced search icon .
  3. In the first row:
    1. In Field, select Component State.
    2. In Operator, select = .
    3. In Value, select Needs Translation.
  4. To add additional search parameters, click Add add_clause.
  5. In the second row:
    1. In Field, select Locked Components.
    2. In Operator list, select = .
    3. In Value, select No.
  6. To run your search, click the search icon .
    Your search results are shown on the Translations Management pane.
  7. To save this query to use again later, follow the steps in Save a query.
  8. To save the list of components that match the search in a CSV file, click Save as CSV ExportCSV.