Edit two components at once

While developing content in Inspire using the Oxygen XML Editor, it may be helpful to edit two different components side-by-side. Each component is shown in its own pane with its own toolbar and left and right panels.

Tips and tricks

  • Left pane ﹘ you see the component you opened first in the left pane.
    • You can see the name of the component above it in the light blue title bar.
    • The left pane has its own toolbar, Outline panel, and Attributes/Review/Validation panes.
  • Right pane ﹘ you see the component you chose to open with the Open another file... option.
    • You can see the name of the component above it in the light blue title bar.
    • The right pane has its own toolbar, Outline panel, and Attributes/Review/Validation panes.

To edit two components side-by-side in Oxygen:

  1. Go to the editor toolbar, click the More menu , and select Open another file...
  2. On the Select component screen, browse or search for the unlocked component you want to edit in a second pane.
    To find a component, you can:
    • In Search, enter a keyword and click search .

    • Sort by any column. Click the column name.

    • Hide or show hidden columns to see just the details you need. Click the side of the column name to see a menu of options.

    • Scroll through the pages using the controls at the bottom of the screen.

  3. On the Select component screen, click Select.
    The Oxygen editor is split into two panes.
  4. To hide an editing panel, use the slider in the center vertical blue bar.

    To show the panel again, use the same slider control.

    You can close both panes at once by closing the tab above the editor toolbar.

  5. To save your changes and close a component, click Save and Submit .
    Saving one component closes it and leaves the other component open for editing until you close it or use Save and Submit.