Edit two components at once
While developing content in Inspire using the Oxygen XML Editor, it may be helpful to edit two different components side-by-side. Each component is shown in its own pane with its own toolbar and left and right panels.
Tips and tricks
You can use this feature in Author or XML mode. For more information, read Switch between Author and XML mode.
You can only edit two documents at once.
- If you just want to edit a single component, read Open a component for editing.
- If you want to open multiple components, and edit or view each one in their own tab, read Open multiple components for editing.
If you want to compare and merge two versions of the same document in the Oxygen Editor, follow the steps in Compare and merge versions in Oxygen.
- These instructions are for use while editing a component in the Oxygen editor. If necessary, follow the steps to Open a component for editing.
- Left pane ﹘ you see the component you opened first in the left pane.
- You can see the name of the component above it in the light blue title bar.
- The left pane has its own toolbar, Outline panel, and Attributes/Review/Validation panes.
- Right pane ﹘ you see the component you chose to open with the Open another file... option.
- You can see the name of the component above it in the light blue title bar.
- The right pane has its own toolbar, Outline panel, and Attributes/Review/Validation panes.
To edit two components side-by-side in Oxygen: