Delete a publishing profile

After you create a publishing profile, if you no longer need to publish a component with those specific settings, you can delete the profile. Deleting the profile doesn't remove any components from Inspire, it only removes the collection of settings in the profile.

  • Use caution when deleting a profile as this action can't be undone.
  • If you delete a publishing profile that contains a schedule for printing, that schedule is also deleted.
  • In your role permissions, you must have module access to Publishing to complete work with publishing profiles.

Tips and tricks

After a component is added to a publishing profile, Inspire remembers that it is being used. If a user tries to delete the component, they see the following message:

  • Cannot delete components because one or more are used in a publishing profile. Clear all publishing profile references to these components or remove them from your selection and try again.

Users also see this warning if they try to delete a folder that contains a component included in a publishing profile.

The user sees this warning and can't delete the component(s).

If a user wants to delete the component, they can do one of the following:

To delete a publishing profile:

  1. From the top menu, select Publishing.
  2. On the Publishing Profiles tab, find the profile you want to update.
  3. To delete the profile, do any of the following:
    • Right-click the name of the profile, and select Delete.
    • In the profile's row, click the Options menu, and then select Delete.
  4. On the Delete Publishing Profiles confirmation, click Yes.
    • On the Publishing Profiles tab, you see the profile is no longer in the list.
    • The relationship is broken between the profile and the component(s) it contained. A user can now delete those components without seeing a warning.