Change the language for multiple components

For any existing component, you can change the language attribute. When you select multiple components, you can change them all to the same language. The language you select is applied to the root level element in the xml:lang attribute. This changes which dictionary Inspire loads when you open a component to edit it. To ensure content that is read from Right-to-Left displays correctly in Oxygen, for the language you choose, Inspire may also set the component's Reading property.

You must have Administrator permissions to use the Multi-Component Language Change option in the Selected Components pane.

Tips and tricks

  • When Inspire loads a dictionary for a component, if you turn on spell check, that dictionary is used to correct your content.
    • For example, if you set the component's language to French:
      • English words spelled correctly will be underlined in red as a warning of a misspelling.
      • French words spelled correctly won't be underlined in red.
  • You can change the language for just one component. Follow the steps in Change a component's language.
  • You can change the language for just multiple components in a project. Follow the steps in Change the language for multiple project components.

To change the language for multiple components:

  1. Click Components_TopMenuOpt Components.
  2. In the Components pane, select the components whose language you want to change.
  3. In the Selected Components pane, select Multi-Component Language Change.

    If there isn't enough room on your screen to display all of the actions, you see an abbreviated list of actions. If an action isn't shown, select the More menu to see additional actions.

  4. On the Change language screen, select a new Language for the component.
  5. Click Submit.
    • All components are updated to use the selected language and its corresponding dictionary.
    • The language you select is applied to the root level element in the xml:lang attribute.
    • If the new language has a Reading value that is NOT ltr, Inspire adds the direction (dir) attribute to the root element.

      • Inspire uses the value set for the language in the Reading option.

        For example, <concept xml:lang="ar-Ar" dir="rtl">

      • When you create and update a language definition you must set the Reading property as either:

        • "ltr" (left-to-right) — this is the default
        • "rtl" (right-to-left)
      • If you change the Reading value for a language to ltr, then Inspire removes the dir attribute.
      • For help with setting the Reading property, read Manage languages.
    • You don't see a notification of your changes.