Approving review components

When a review moves to a state of Resolving, an admin or review coordinator can address and remove the comments and accept the changes. After saving the review, the Approver must choose whether or not to approve some, all, or none of the review components. You can also choose to approve components referenced by the topics in review.

After you click Completed for a review you're resolving, you see the Complete Review screen.

When you click Yes, one of the following events will occur:

  • If you are not assigned to the review Approver role, you have completed the steps to resolve a review. The review Approver is notified that the review is ready to be approved.
  • If you are a coordinator and are also assigned to the review Approver role, you see the Review Approval screen.

Tips and tricks

You can identify an approved component by the green check (if no signature is required) or the green signature icon (if a signature is required).

If the LockForApprove feature is turned on, the components will have a green system lock after you approve them.
  • An administrator can control if a system lock is placed on the component after a user approves it. By default, this optional feature is set to false, and a lock is not placed on a component after approval. For more information, Admins can read Control if a lock is set after approval.

Approving referenced components

On the Review Approval screen:

  • You have the option to Approve referenced components.
  • If you select this option, when you click Save, you see the Select referenced components screen.

If you click Cancel on the Select Referenced Components screen, no approval changes are made to the topics in review or the components they reference.

Requirements and restrictions


  • You can only approve components that do not have a Scope of Context Only. In the review shown above, only the 1Removecover, battery and Copyrights components can be approved.
  • This approval feature applies only to reviews that are not part of a workflow.
  • This approval feature is available regardless of whether approval requires an electronic signature or not.
  • An administrator can control if a system lock is placed on the component after a user approves it.

All components may not be approved, depending on the selections you make when creating the review and the Review Scope.

  • If you select the Review option for a component, and it has a Review Scope of In Review, Inspire approves it if you select Yes. This is true even if the component has a Type of Binary.
  • If a component in the review has a Review Scope of In Review, but you do not select the Review option, it remains unchanged.
  • If a component in the review has a Review Scope of Context Only, it remains unchanged.

Approval requirements

  • Non-admins must have the can_approve module permission

  • Non-admins must have permissions to update the component

  • Components that are already approved or signed can be approved again

  • Components cannot have a lock (Approval locks are acceptable)

  • Components cannot have a State of Invalid

  • Components must contain valid XML

  • Components must not contain comments or track changes

  • If the eSignature feature is turned on, you are prompted for an eSignature.

  • If the LockForApprove feature is turned on, the components will have a green system lock of Approve.
  • Components that cannot be approved report an error in the approval notification

Finding approved components

On the Review Management tab, you can add two new columns to the grid if you want to see approval information quickly:

  • Approved
  • Comment

To add a column to the grid:

  1. Put your cursor next to the name of any column.
  2. Click the down arrow to see the column menu.
  3. Select Columns, and then select one of the following options:
  4. To show a column that's currently hidden, select the checkbox for the columns you want to see.
  5. To hide a column that's currently displaying, clear the checkbox for the columns you want to hide.