Complete a project

When work is done and you don't want to add any new content, participants, assignments or workflows, project owners and users with permissions can mark a project as complete. Keep in mind that completing a project cancels any unfinished assignments. An administrator or project owner can set the state of a completed project back to Active to allow further changes to the project.

To view a list of projects that have a State of Completed, follow the steps in View completed projects.

Use caution when marking a project Complete.

  • After you give a project this status, you cannot take actions on project components that can modify the project.
  • Component options that you can no longer select when a project has a status of Complete:
    • Details...
    • Edit...
    • Save as...
    • Save as a copy...
    • Save as a branch...
    • Save as a snapshot...
    • Rename
    • Delete
    • Remove from project

To complete a project:

  1. If you already have a project open:
    1. Go to the first panel that displays the name of the project, the owner, and dates.

    2. In the title bar with the project name, on the right side, click the Edit button .
    3. Skip to step 3.
  2. If you don't already have a project open:
    1. Click Projects_TopMenuOpt Projects.
    2. On the Project Management tab, find the project you want to update.
      1. Filter the list of available projects by words in the project name. In the Search text box, enter a keyword, and then click the magnifying glass search_button
      2. Filter the list of available projects to include only those you own or are participating in. In Type, select an option to filter the list by that criteria.
      3. Add completed projects to the list by selecting Include Completed and then clicking the magnifying glass.
    3. Right--click the project row and select Update.
      You can also update a project by:
      1. Clicking the Action_Menu Options menu.
      2. Selecting Update.
  3. On the Update Project dialog, select the Completed checkbox to complete the project.
  4. The current date displays as the Completed date. To change the default date:
    • Enter a completed date
    • Select the calendar icon to choose a date
  5. To choose a time when the project is completed, after the Completed date, select the checkbox, and then select a time.
  6. Click Update.

    A confirmation message displays confirming cancellation of unfinished assignments.

  7. To confirm cancellation of any unfinished assignments and complete the project, click Yes.
    • The date and time that the project was completed display in the project details.
    • A completed project displays as read-only to all users, with the exception of the project owner and administrators who can view project details and set the project status to active by clearing the Completed checkbox.