View current subscriptions

After you add a user to the organization, you can manage which Subscription, or instance of Inspire, that you want a user to sign into. If you don't have multiple subscriptions, you can still see organizational details such as Subscription Type, Domain Key, and the Renewal Date. You can also see if a subscription is Active, and the number and usage of seats. To see a list of user seat assignments and access settings, use the Edit button.

On the Subscriptions page, Organization managers can see:

  • Organization (Name of your organization)
  • Subscription Type (Annual is the only current option)
  • Domain Key (A unique string of text that identifies your specific Inspire resource.)
  • Renewal Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

If you have multiple subscriptions, the instance of Inspire you are managing is named in the Subscription's Domain Key.

  • For example, you may have one Inspire instance for authors to write in. This domain key may look something like:
  • You may also have a separate Inspire instance for developers to work in who are creating new ways Inspire can enhance your unique business environment. This domain key may look something like:

You can also see the number and usage of seats per subscription.

  • The top number in each column tells you how many users are assigned to that type.
  • The bottom number tells you how many seats you have to work with for that type.
  • The number of seats available are counted separately by type, and not by one number of seats distributed among all types.
  • For example: You have seats allocated separately for each type: Standard Named = 50/100, Standard Concurrent = 60/500, Review Only Named = 100/200, and Review Only Concurrent = 200/300.

    You do not have a total seat allocation of 1100 seats, but separate seat allocations per type.

  • In this example, for any users with Standard Concurrent seat types, after 500 users have signed in, no new user with a concurrent seat type can sign in until someone else signs out and returns a seat to the pool.
  • Since the number of seats available are counted separately by type, the limit is different for users with a Review Only Concurrent seat type. In our example, only 300 users can sign in before other users with a Review Only Concurrent seat type are not allowed to sign in.

The seat columns you can see include:

  • Standard Named (The number of users that have reserved seats out of the number of seats available in your license.)
    • Named users can always sign in regardless of whether there are any concurrent seats available.
    • Standard users can access all features of Inspire by default but access can be limited in Inspire by an administrator.
  • Standard Concurrent (The number of seats you have assigned as contingent out of the number of seats available in your license.)
    • For example, if the number in Standard Concurrent is 60/500, then after 500 standard users have signed in and taken a license from the pool, the next concurrent user (501), can't sign in until someone else signs out and returns a license to the pool.
    • Standard users can access all features of Inspire by default but access can be limited in Inspire by an administrator.
  • Review Only Named (The number of users that have reserved seats to access the Review module ONLY out of the number of seats available in your license.)
    • Named users can always sign in to access a review regardless of whether there are any concurrent seats available.
    • Review Only users can only access the Review module in Inspire. An administrator cannot add access to any other modules for a user with this type of seat.
  • Review Only Concurrent. (The number of seats that can only access the review module you have assigned as contingent out of the number of seats available in your license.)
    • For example, if the number in Review Only Concurrent is 200/300, then after 300 standard users have signed in and taken a license from the pool, the next concurrent user (301), can't sign in until someone else signs out and returns a license to the pool.
    • Review Only users can only access the Review module in Inspire. An administrator cannot add access to any other modules for a user with this type of seat.

Tips and Tricks

  • To open the Inspire instance listed in the Application column, click the link in the Application name. For example, in the illustration above, you can click GlobalLink Vasont Inspire.
  • If your License Manager session times out due to inactivity, you may be asked to authorize your corporate account before License Manager opens again.
  • Signing out of License Manager does not sign you out of Inspire.

To view current subscriptions:

  1. To open License Manager:
    1. In the top right corner of the Inspire menu bar, click the default profile picture or the one you previously added.
    2. Select My Profile...
  2. You may be asked to authorize your corporate account before License Manager opens.
  3. In License Manager, go to the menu on the left side and select Subscriptions.
  4. To see the latest data, go to the top right corner of the screen and click Refresh.

    Results: You see the list in Subscriptions.

    • To sort the list, click a column heading.
    • To open the Inspire instance listed in the Application column, click the link in the Application name. For example, in the illustration above, you can click GlobalLink Vasont Inspire.