Use plugins
The DITA Open Toolkit is a publishing engine built with plugins. A plugin can add support for publishing DITA content as a new format or for customizing an existing output format. Publish Server includes a DITA Open Toolkit that already has plugins pre-installed, but you can also upload other plugins or create your own.
You can't rename or update a plugin after you upload it. If you need to make changes, you must:
- Download the plugin.
- Uninstall the plugin.
- Make changes to the plugin on your computer.
- Upload the plugin again.
Tips and tricks
- To open the Plugin tab, on the left side of the dashboard, click DITA-OT Plugin
- To see if plugins have already been uploaded, you MUST:
- In Domain Key, select your organization's domain. For example,
- In Toolkit Version, select which DITA standard is used in your plug-in.
- If you want to contact the last user who updated the plugin, look in:
- To see the email address of the user, look in Uploaded By
- To see when the user made updates, look in Updated Date
- If your list of plugins is long, to find the one you need you can:
- Use Search
- Scroll to other pages using the controls at the bottom of the screen
- At the bottom of the screen, change the number of items shown per page
- If you can't find the one you need:
- Try changing the Domain key if there are multiple choices
- Try changing the Toolkit Version
- Try updating the list by clicking Refresh
- To download a plugin and customize or update it, click Download