Save your work in Oxygen

You can edit Inspire components in an XML editor that uses Oxygen functionality. When you need to save your work in the Oxygen-based editor, you can choose to save your changes to a file with a different name, save your latest changes and keep the document open and locked, or submit all your changes to close and unlock the document.

Tips and tricks

  • Save often. Inspire's Oxygen-based editor doesn't automatically save a document at specific time intervals, so get in the habit of using the save option whenever you make a change.
  • Know your options. You can save a document in different ways depending on what you want to do:
    • To save your changes to a new file with a different name, use Oxygen_SaveAs Save As.
      • Whenever you use Save As, Inspire ensures content that is read from Right-to-Left displays correctly in Oxygen.

        For the topic's language, Inspire sets the Reading property in these cases:
        • If it doesn't exist yet
        • Only if the language Reading property is rtl (Right-to-Left)
        • For example: <concept id="concept_guid" xml:lang="ar-Ar" dir="rtl">
        • If the language Reading property is ltr (Left-to-Right), Inspire makes no changes.
    • To save your latest changes and keep the document open (and keep the document locked), use Oxygen_save Save.
    • To save all your changes and close the document (and unlock the document), use Oxygen_SaveSubmitSave and Submit.
  • Understand Locks. Locks prevent a document from changed, such as being edited or sent to review. Make sure you are locking a component when you don't want other users to be able to change it.
    • Lock Locked. You can't open a locked document for editing unless you're the one who locked it. You can open a read-only view for documents locked by other users.
    • Locked in review. You can't open a locked document for editing when it's being used in a review. You can open a read-only view for these documents.
    • Locked by you. You lock a document when you open it and make changes. If you close the document without clicking Save and Submit, the file remains locked. Clicking Save keeps your changes but doesn't unlock a document. To unlock a document, open it for editing and click Save and Submit.
    • Unlock Unlocked. You can open an unlocked document for editing. When you start editing, the document remains locked to other users until you click Save and Submit.