View component branches
You can view a list of relationships that are created when you branch a component. This helps you understand which component is the original, which is the branched copy, and if the source of a branch references this component.
In the graphic above, you can see in the background that the Handling precautions component is selected.
- In the Components browser (in the background) the Has Branch icon
is displayed before the component's name. This icon means it's the source component for a branch. Components it references may also be branched with it.
- You can see details about the branch using the Details menu, and selecting the Branches tab.
- The Branch column tells you how to find the branched copy. It's named Handling precautions_Prototype. If other references in the source component are also branched, they'll have the same suffix: _Prototype.
- In the original column, you can see the source component that the branch was created from: Handling precautions (the component selected in the Components browser in the background).
To view component branches:
From the top menu, click
- In the Folders pane, navigate to the folder where you've saved the component.
- In the Components pane, find the component you want to branch.
- In the list, to select the row, click it.
- Right-click the row, and then select Details...
- On the Components Details dialog, click the Branches tab.
To filter the list of branched components, enter text in the Search text box and click Search
To save the list of branched components to a CSV file, click Save as CSV
To work with the branched component (not the one you selected to see Details for) right-click or use
the Options menu to:
- See differences in a viewing editor, click Compare original component to branch...
- Open in the Oxygen-based editor, click Edit.
- See a read-only version, click View.
- Open a Components browser tab with only the branched component listed, click Go to.
- See differences in a viewing editor, click Compare original component to branch...