Manually repair an invalid component relationship

You can repair a relationship by manually selecting a new component or element when a reference to another component is broken or invalid.

Tips and Tricks

A content owner or administrator can set permissions to deny access to components or folders. If your permissions to content has been blocked and you are not an administrator, you cannot use the Advanced options in a project's Content pane.

  • Although you can do this action from the Components browser or a project, these instructions tell you how to do it from the Components browser.
  • You can only create relationships to elements with ID values. For more information read Repair component relationships.
  • If you aren't sure how to manually fix a relationship issue, you can use an auto-repair tool first to see if that fixes the issue. Follow the steps in either of the following:
  • If you aren't sure what to select using the Manage Relationships screen, you can open the component in the Oxygen editor and use the Validation pane to learn more about the error and fix it in the editor. Follow the steps in Check for errors in the Validation pane.
  • Inspire now supports content references to ditabase topics. A ditabase topic is a composite topic. Before maps, ditabase was used to collect multiple topics and structure them within a single topic file.
    • If you use a conref to a ditabase topic, Inspire no longer identifies it as an invalid relationship.
  • When you repair a self-referencing link, the following syntax is used:

    • If a cross-reference is pointing to content in a separate file, Inspire includes the file name:
    • If a cross-reference is pointing to content that exists in the same file, DITA assumes it's the same, so Inspire drops the file name:

To manually repair an invalid component relationship:

  1. Click Components_TopMenuOpt Components.
  2. In the Folders pane, navigate to the folder where you've saved the component.
  3. In the Components pane, select the component that has an invalid relationship that you want to repair.
    Components with an invalid relationship display an Invalid icon .
  4. Right-click the component's row, select Advanced, and then select Relationships...
    You can also click the Options menu, select Advanced, and then select Relationships...
  5. On the Manage Relationships dialog, look in the Status column and select a component that has an Invalid relationship.
  6. In the component's row, right-click and select Browse.
    You can also click the Options menu and select Browse.
  7. On the Select Component screen, in the Folders pane, navigate to the folder that contains the component you want to reference.
  8. In the Components pane, select the component that has a valid reference that you want to use in place of the broken one.
  9. In the Target Element pane, select the element you want to use, and then click Select.
    If you aren't sure what to select or what you want isn't listed, you can open the component in the Oxygen editor and use the Validation pane to learn more about the error and fix it in the editor.
    • On the Manage Relationships screen, the relationship is now listed as Valid.
    • The target attribute value for the components is updated to the repaired target component file name.
    • The component is saved.
  10. Repeat steps 5-9 to fix all invalid relationships.
  11. On the Manage Relationships screen, click Close.

    When you complete a task that triggers a notification, such as repairing relationships, the Slack and email message bodies contain:

    • The the title and file name of the component that was repaired.
    • Ten or less Issues, Errors, and Warnings.
    • A link at the bottom of the message [See Full Version].
    • You can click the [See Full Version] link to expand a section under the link with the full details.
    • For more information, review the Sample Inspire notification.