Compare two DOCX files

You can ask Inspire to create a new DOCX file that contains the differences between two source DOCX files. After the comparison, Inspire imports the new comparison file as another DOCX file.

If you don't see the DOCX options described in this topic, contact your Vasont salesperson to purchase this feature.

Tips and tricks

  • Source files. You can get two DOCX source files into Inspire by importing two DOCX files. Import one version into Inspire, and then make changes to it or create a new one in Microsoft WORD. Then you need to import the second version into Inspire to compare them.
  • You cannot compare more than two DOCX files at the same time.
  • As the DOCX feature is limited to viewing only the first two pages, the comparison results are only provided for the first two pages. Even if you export and download the comparison DOCX file and open it in Microsoft WORD, there are only two pages in the document.

To compare two DOCX files:

  1. Select Components_TopMenuOpt Components.
  2. In the Folders pane, navigate to the folder that contains the DOCX files you want to compare.
  3. In the Components pane, select the checkbox for the two DOCX files you want to compare.
  4. On the Selected Components pane, click Compare DocX files.

    You won't see the Compare DocX files icon if you haven't purchased this feature. Also, the icon won't be available to click if you select:

    • Only one DOCX file
    • More than two DOCX files
  5. On the Import component compare result screen:

    1. In Target Folder, select the location where you want to save the new DOCX file with the comparison results.
    2. In New Component Name, enter a unique title for the DOCX file using 100 characters or less.
    3. Click Create.
    You see two notifications about the progress of the comparison:
    • The process has started.

    • The process has completed.

    In the Inspire viewer and in Microsoft WORD, you see:
    • Content that is the same in both shown in
    • Content that was in one and not the other in