Collaborate in a review

You can use reviews to evaluate content by getting feedback from multiple authors and contributors.

  • Reviews are created and managed by administrators or review coordinators.
  • Content is evaluated by reviewers who are Inspire users.
  • Reviews are resolved by administrators, review coordinators, or the review approver

A review is a process where selected components are locked and the content is made available to comment on or edit in the Oxygen review editor.

The features of a review can change depending on if:

  • An administrator restricts all Inspire reviews to accept comments only.
  • If the comment restriction is not set, your ability to edit the content in review is then configured by an admin or review coordinator on a per-review basis.

The outcome of the document review process is that it enhances the accuracy and quality of the document.

For more information on reviews:

Understand how it works. To learn more about review concepts, read the sections in Learn about collaborating in a review.

Create Reviews. For steps on how to create and manage reviews, users with permissions to the content that need to be reviewed and have coordinator permissions can follow the steps in Manage reviews.

Complete a review assignment. For steps on how to participate in a review, users who have been assigned a review task can follow the steps in Complete a review assignment.