Move components

To organize content to meet the needs of your organization, you can remove components from one folder and add them to another folder in the Components browser. You can move one or more components at a time using drag and drop or the Options menu option.

To move a component, you must have the following permissions:

  • Delete permission for the component that you are moving
  • Create permission for the folder you are moving the component to

Move components using drag and drop

  1. Click Components.
  2. In the Folders pane, navigate to the folder where you've saved the components.
  3. In the Components pane, select the checkboxes for the components you want to move.
  4. In the Folders pane, if necessary, expand the hierarchy to find the folder where you want to move the components.
  5. Drag the selected components to the new location.

    You see a message by your cursor showing the number of components that are being moved.

    If you see a red circle with an "x" before the number of components:

    • You can't copy the components to that folder. Check your permissions for that folder.
    • If you drag components to a place you aren't allowed to, the components aren't moved.
    • Drag the components to a folder with a green circle.

    If you drag the components to a folder with a green circle:

    • The components immediately move to the folder

    Inspire remembers where you moved the components. The next time you move one or more components, Inspire opens the same folder so you don't have to navigate to it again.

Move components from a menu option

  1. Click Components.
  2. In the Folders pane, navigate to the folder where you've saved the components.
  3. In the Components pane, select the checkboxes for the components you want to move.
  4. To move one component:
    1. Right-click the component, select Actions, and then select Move...
      You can also access this option from the component's Options menu.
    2. On the Select a target folder screen, in Folder, select the new location where you want to move the component. If necessary, expand the hierarchy to find the folder where you want to move the components.
    3. Click Select.
    • The selected component moves to the new folder.
    • Inspire remembers where you moved the components. The next time you move one or more components, Inspire opens the same folder so you don't have to navigate to it again.
  5. To move multiple components at once:
    1. On the Selected Components pane, from the toolbar, click move_icon Move components.
    2. On the Select a Target Folder screen, expand the hierarchy to find the folder where you want to move the components.
    3. On the Select a Target Folder screen, click Select.
    • The selected component moves to the new folder.
    • Inspire remembers where you moved the components. The next time you move one or more components, Inspire opens the same folder so you don't have to navigate to it again.