Update project details
If you are a project owner or an administrator, you can update project details when things change. You can only update a single project at a time.
Tips and Tricks
- If you only want to update Details about the project and users who are Participants, you can do it quickly using the Update option.
- If you want to do any of the following, you must Open a project:
- Add or remove components
- Create or manage an assignment
- Create or manage a workflow
- If you already have a project open, you can update Details and Participants without closing the project.
- To see who the project owner is, look on the Projects Management tab or open a project.
- When you create or update a project, you can now specify a default System Folder to avoid navigating through the entire folder structure when you need to select a folder location.
Update a single project
If you already have a project open:
If you don't already have a project open:
- On the Update project dialog, on the Details tab, in Title, edit the brief description of the project. in 100 characters or less.
Optionally, on the Details tab, modify the following information:
- To choose a date when the project begins, in Start By, click the calendar
to select a the current date or a date in the future.
- To choose a time when the project begins, after the Start By date, select the checkbox, and then select a time.
- To choose a date when all of the work should be completed, in Complete By, click the calendar
to select a date that's after the Start By date.
- To choose a time when the project ends, after the Complete By date, select the checkbox, and then select a time.
- To choose a date when the completed work is due to be handed off to the next stage, such as publishing or a translation vendor, in Due Date, click the calendar
to select a date that's after the Complete By date.
- To choose a time when the project is due, after the Due Date, select the checkbox, and then select a time.
- By default, Inspire assigns you as the Owner. To changes this, use the drop down arrow to select a new owner.
- To add more details about the project, in Description, enter text up to 1000 characters.
- To to avoid navigating through the entire folder structure when you need to select a folder location, select a default folder in System Folder.
- To inform participants in a project that the work is done, select Completed.
- To choose a date when the project begins, in Start By, click the calendar
To update the users who are working in the project, click the Participants tab, and complete any of the following actions:
- To add a new user to the project, click Add Participant. In Available Users/Roles, select the checkbox next to each group and user who will work on this project. Click Select.
- To see details about a user, including Security type and Memberships, click the row containing the user.
- To remove a user, at the end of the row containing the user, click the Remove button
- Click Update.