Update a component type configuration

You can edit the settings for a component type configuration that's required for a custom framework. Inspire uses frameworks for XML validation in the Oxygen editor.

Attention: You cannot delete component type configurations associated with a current component or a deleted component that uses the component type configuration.

You must have administrator permissions to complete this task.

To update a component type configuration:

  1. From the Administration menu, select Advanced settings, and then Component type configuration.
  2. On the Component type configuration tab, select the row of the configuration you want to update, and then click Update .
  3. On the Update Component Type Configuration screen, in Name, enter a unique title that content authors will see in 50 characters or less. For example, you could enter "DocBook article".
  4. To assign a framework to validate this component type, enter the path to the framework zip file in DTD Public Id using 100 characters or less. For example, you could enter "-//OASIS//DTDDOCBOOK_Composite//EN".
  5. To identify the document type definition file in the framework zip, enter the name of the file in DTD System Id using 100 characters or less. For example, you could enter "DocBookArticleComp.dtd".
  6. If you want Inspire to load the schema for this component type to use for reporting errors, warnings, and valid statuses during automatic and manual validations, select the Active option.
  7. If you want the Create component screen to show this component type automatically when it opens, select the Default option.
  8. If this configuration is for a component that can't be edited in Inspire, such as an image, Select the Binary option.
  9. Optionally, you can:
    1. Some frameworks may include a schema, and you can identify the version in Schema Standard. For example, you could select "DocBook_5.0".
    2. Provide additional details in Description using 1000 characters or less. For example, you could enter "Titled, unnumbered collection of block-level elements".
    3. Identify any structural tags in Document Type using 100 characters or less. For example, you could enter "article".
    4. Identify the element in the DTD that encloses all the other elements and is the sole parent element to all the other elements in Root Element Name using 100 characters or less. For example, you could enter "DOCBOOK".
  10. Click Update.