Use operators and parameters to find assignments

If you need to use multiple criteria to find an assignment, you can build queries. Queries can use fields, operators, and values to locate specific assignments.

You can use the following combinations when creating a query to find an assignment:

Table 1.
Field Operator Value
Activity = (equals)

<> (does not equal)

Available options can be customized by an administrator, but may include:
  • Approve content
  • Edit content
  • Publish content
  • Review content
  • Review image
  • Write content
Assigned To = (equals)

<> (does not equal)

Available options of user names are created by an administrator.
Creation Date

Due Date

= (equals)

<> (does not equal)

> (greater than)

>= (greater than or equal to)

< (less than)

<= (less than or equal to)

Use the date picker to open a calendar and choose a date.

Description = (equals)

<> (does not equal)


Does not contain

Starts with

Does not start with

Ends with

Does not end with

Enter a word, phrase, or number.
State = (equals)

<> (does not equal)

You can create custom workflow Status, but they may include:

  • ToDo
  • InProgress
  • Completed
  • Cancelled
Workflow = (equals)

<> (does not equal)

Select from a list of workflows created in your organization.

To use operators and parameters to find components:

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Project Management tab, double-click the project with the assignments you want to sort.
  3. If the Assignments pane isn't expanded yet, click the expand arrow.
  4. In the Assignments pane, click the advanced search magnifying glass .
  5. Complete the following substeps using the query builder to add or verify search parameters.
    1. In the Field list, select one of the following search parameters:
      • Activity
      • Assigned To
      • Creation Date
      • Description
      • Due Date
      • State
      • Workflow
    2. In the Operator list, select an operator. This list varies depending on the Field you choose.
    3. In the Value list, select or enter the value for this parameter.
    4. Click Add add_clause to add another search parameter.
    5. Click Remove remove_clause to remove a search parameter.
    6. If you have multiple parameters in the query, choose the appropriate criteria from the And/Or list.
    7. To group search parameters, select the checkboxes for two or more consecutive parameters and click Group selected clauses.
    8. To ungroup search parameters, click Ungroup clauses ungroup_clauses.
  6. Verify the search parameters for your query and then click Search search_button.
    The filtering status bar displays at the top of the Assignments pane and includes the sort and filter criteria that was used for the search. You can click Clear to remove the search criteria and refresh the Assignments pane.

    Results: You see a list of assignments that match the search parameters.

  7. To save the list of assignments that match the search as a CSV file, click Save as CSV ExportCSV.