Start a shared editing session

When you're editing a component, Inspire locks it so other users can't change it while you're working. If you want to invite another user to simultaneously edit the same component you're working in, you can ask the user to join you in a shared editing session. This gives you both the opportunity to see each other's editing in real time.

Tips and Tricks
  • Using the Share session button creates a URL for an editing session, similar to a chat room.
    • You can copy and send the URL to the second Inspire user any way you want, such as in email or a chat application. The user you share the URL with can just click the hyperlink or they can paste the URL into a browser. Use a URL to join an editing session.
    • You can also choose to let Inspire notify the user for you. The user can click the link to the editing session sent to them in a notification. This method of sharing an editing session is easier for the user to access.
  • Another way to use a shared session is during a review. You can access the Share session in the review editor's toolbar for any component you're reviewing.
  • As the user who initiates the shared session, you are the only user who can Save , or Save and Submit changes to the component.
  • As the user who initiates the shared session, as soon as you save and close the component, the shared session ends and the URL no longer works for sharing. If you want to share again, you must start a new shared session.
  • A session isn't limited to two users. You can share the link with multiple users and they can all join you in the same editing session.
  • The Track changes feature works differently if you join a session.
    • The user starting the session has the Track changes option in the toolbar and can turn it on and off.
    • All other users joining the session don't have the Track changes option in the toolbar.
    • All changes are tracked by default for all users joining a shared editing session and this option can't be turned off.

To start a shared editing session:

  1. Click Components_TopMenuOpt Components.
  2. In the Folders pane, navigate to the folder where you've saved the component.
  3. In the Components pane, select the component you want to edit.
    You can verify you have the correct component by looking in the Content details pane at the preview.

    If the pane isn't open, click the down arrow in the pane's title bar.

    If you think the preview isn't showing the latest version, click the Refresh icon .

  4. To open the file in the Oxygen editor, double-click the component.
    You can also open a component in the following ways:
    • To select the row, click it, then right-click and select Edit...
    • To select the row, click it, then click and select Edit...
  5. To start a shared editing session, click the Share session button.
  6. On the Shared Editing Session dialog, do one of the following:
    • To send the URL yourself:
      1. Click copy URL.
      2. Click OK.
      3. Send the URL to the user who you want to invite to the editing session.
    • To let Inspire notify the users:
      1. Click Notify Users.

      2. On the Send notification screen, in Subject, you can edit or leave the default text.
      3. In Message, you can add to or edit the default text to include more instructions.
      4. In Users, click Add Users...

      5. On the Select Users screen, in Available Users, select the checkbox for each user you want to notify.
      6. On the Select Users screen, click Select.
      7. On the Send notification screen, click Send.
  7. If Track Changes is not already on, click Toggle Change Tracking.
    This action is strongly recommended when sharing an editing session. In future releases, Change Tracking will be turned on by default for all users in a shared editing session.
  8. Make changes to the component.
    You can see the other user's actions as they type. The other user is represented by a bubble with a letter. The letter is the first initial of their first name.

    • The Share session button  has a blue line underneath to indicate that a shared session is currently active.
    • Changes made by the second user are always in sync with the your editor.
    • Only you, who initiated the shared session, can save the component.
  9. When you're both done, click Save and Submit.
    As soon as the first user clicks Save and Submit, the following happens:
    • The Oxygen editor closes the component for the first user.
    • The Oxygen editor saves all changes made by both the first and second users at this time.
    • The second user can continue to edit the document but any additional changes can't be saved in the original component. The second user can save their edited version as a copy with a different name.
    • The shared session ends for the first user.
    • When the second user closes the component, the shared session ends for the second user.
    • The URL for the shared session can't be used anymore. If you try to use the URL again, you'll see the following error:

    If you want to start another shared editing session, you'll have to generate a new URL using the Share Session button.