Use a basic search to find a review

To find a specific review, you can use the Search text box to filter the list and see only those that include a keyword or phrase.

You can search for terms in only some of the columns. The column doesn't have to be displayed to search it. To hide and show columns, follow the steps in Sort the list of reviews.

Columns you can search in:

  • Title
  • Coordinator
  • Description
Columns you can't search in:
  • ID
  • Reviewers
  • State (reviewing, resolving, completed, cancelled)
  • Dates (start, due, completed)
  • Archive status
  • Created by
  • Updated by
  • Progress
  • Approved
  • Comment

To use a basic search to find a review:

  1. Click Reviews.
  2. On the Reviews Management tab, in the Search text box, enter part of a review's Title, the user name of a Coordinator, or a word from the Description.
    Tips and tricks
    • Using parenthesis. Inspire recognizes a parenthesis character ( ) as something that indicates a grouping of search items. If you want to search for a text value that actually contains a parenthesis character ( ), you must tell Inspire to interpret it literally. To do that, use a slash \ before any parenthesis character ( ). For example, if you want to search for the following value: Chapter1_Intro(with_endnotes), in the Search for box you would enter Chapter1_Intro\(with_endnotes\).
  3. If you want to include reviews in your results that have any of the following States, select the corresponding checkbox:
    • Include Completed
    • Include Cancelled
    • Include Archived
  4. Click Search search_button.
    Your search results are shown in a list on the Reviews pane. The search results also change the information you see on the Reviewers and Review Components panels. These panels now only display users and components included in the search results.
  5. To save the list of reviews that match the search as a CSV file, click Save as CSV ExportCSV.