Understand licensing and user access

Your software license is based on the number of users who have access to the software. You work with a Vasont Inspire support representative to assign a licence and access type to each user with an Inspire account. Then, as an administrator, you can assign roles in Inspire to users that grant them access to Inspire features. Groups of features are called modules and you can grant access to them using either roles or individual user accounts.

  • License types determine if your user has a reserved spot in the Inspire login queue or if their login is contingent on the number of concurrent licenses your organization purchases.

  • Access types determine if a user has access to Inspire only for review purposes (ReviewOnly) or can be assigned to other roles (Standard).

  • Roles grant access to areas of Inspire. For example, the Admin role displays the Administration and Security menus at the top of the screen so the user can access configuration options. The Review role displays only the Reviews menu.

License types

To control a user's ability to log in, you can assign the following types of license seats:

Named Seats
To guarantee that a user with a specific account can log in no matter how many others are logged in or waiting to log in, you can assign a user account name to a Named Seat license.
  • Named seats are independent of concurrent seats.
  • For example, a 100-user Named Seat license means that up to 100 specific account user names can be assigned and have guaranteed access to Inspire.
  • If you have 100 Named seat licenses and 50 Concurrent licenses, when a user with a Named seat logs in to Inspire, you still have 50 Concurrent licenses remaining for other users.

Concurrent Seats
When you assign a user account to a Concurrent seat license, you give them access to Inspire on a first-come basis. Concurrent seats are not assigned to a specific user but are available to a group of users.
  • You can have more users than concurrent seats.
  • For example, in a five-user concurrent license, after five users are logged in to Inspire, the sixth gets a notification that all seats are in use. When any one of the first five log out, the next user can log in.

Access types

To manage a user's access to Inspire menus, you can assign the following access types:

You assign this type to a user to grant access to all Inspire menus and all widgets on the Dashboard. You can assign roles to a Standard user to further define what areas of Inspire you want them to access.

You assign this type to a user to restrict their access to only the Reviews menu and the Reviews widget on the Dashboard


You can use roles to apply permissions, grant privileges, and control content access. Based on the activity that a particular role might perform, you can define specific permissions and privileges for specific content. You can add members to the role or remove members as needed. Role-based access makes it easier to manage permissions and privileges for a group of users.