Update a translation project

As an administrator, you can update translation projects and attributes as details change.

Project Director has been renamed to GlobalLink Enterprise.

To update a translation project:

  1. From the Administration menu, select Translation settings, and then Translation project management.
  2. From the list of translation projects, select the one you want to update and click Update pencil_icon.
  3. On the Edit Translation Vendor dialog, update the following information:
    1. In the Name box, update the project title using 50 characters or less.
    2. Optionally, in the Description box, update the text using 1000 characters or less.
    3. Select or clear the Active checkbox to identify the project as active or inactive.
    4. In API Integration , do one of the following:
      • If the project type uses GlobalLink Enterprise (formerly known as Project Director) integration, select the checkbox.
      • If GlobalLink Enterprise integration isn't being used, clear the checkbox.
    5. If this project types is using integration and you cancel it in Inspire, if you want Inspire to send a message to the other application to cancel the job there also, select Api Integration Supports Cancellation.
    6. If API Integration is selected, enter a Project Code in 50 characters or less.
    7. In Integration Method, select the way Inspire sends and retrieves translation content with an external application. You can associate only one integration per project type.
    • Manual - you'll use this method if there is no integration with external applications.
    • GlobalLink Portal - you'll use this method if you want to send content to GlobalLink Enterprise (formerly known as Project Director) using a transmission tool.

      GlobalLink Portal was formerly known as GlobalLink Transport.

    • GlobalLink Connect - you'll use this method if you want to send content to GlobalLink Enterprise (formerly known as Project Director) using the GlobalLink Connect API.
  4. Click the Attributes tab to update translation project attributes.
  5. From the list of translation project attributes, select the attribute that you want to update and click Update pencil_icon.
  6. On the Update Translation Project Attribute dialog, update the following information:
    1. In the Display Name box, update the title using 50 characters or less.
    2. Optionally, in the Name box, update the name using 50 characters or less.
    3. Optionally, in the Description box, update the text using 1000 characters or less.
    4. From the Type list, update the attribute type.
    5. Optionally, to update the attribute required state, select or clear the Required checkbox.
    6. Optionally, to update if the attribute is included on the Translate component dialog on the Attributes tab, select or clear the Is Included checkbox.
  7. After you finish updating information, click Update to update the translation project attribute.
  8. To delete a translation project attribute, select the attribute that you want to delete and then click Delete delete_components_icon.
  9. After you finish updating the translation project, to save your changes click Update.