Find and replace project text in all content types
If you are an administrator or have permissions, you can search for and replace text in one or more components without opening them. You can choose Replace All to change a term anywhere in each component you select. This search can match text regardless of whether it's an attribute or element name, an attribute or element value, processing instruction, or comment. Changes are then saved to the Inspire database. For more details on how a search through all content types works, read Finding project text in code and content to replace or report on.
A content owner or administrator can set permissions to deny access to components or folders. If your permissions to content has been blocked and you are not an administrator, you cannot use the Find and Replace option in the Selected Components pane.
Use supported components
- If you choose a component that's locked (
by you,
by another user,
by the system) Inspire skips it and adds a warning to your notification.
- If you choose a binary component, Inspire skips it and adds a warning to your notification.
If you want to use other find and replace options for projects, follow the steps in:
- Create a report for all content type searches
- Finding text to replace or report on
- Finding project attributes to replace or report on
- Finding processing instructions in projects
- Finding project comments to replace or report on
To update project text in all content types: