Delete a translation configuration

After you define a set of values for a translation job in a configuration, you can clear the Active option to hide the configuration from users, or you can delete the configuration permanently.

Important notes:

  • You must have administrator permissions to work with translations configurations.
  • Use caution when deleting a configuration as this action can't be undone.
  • If you delete a translation configuration, coordinators can no longer select it when sending content to translation.

To hide a translation configuration:

  1. From the Administration menu, select Translation Settings, and then Translation Configuration Management.
  2. On the Translation configuration tab, select the existing configuration you want to hide.
  3. At the end of the configuration's row, click Update.
  4. To hide this configuration from users, clear the Active option.
  5. On the Update Translation Configuration screen, click Update.
    On the Translation configuration screen, in the configuration's row, the Active column displays No.

To delete a translation configuration:

  1. From the Administration menu, select Translation Settings, and then Translation Configuration Management.
  2. On the Translation configuration tab, select the existing configuration you want to delete.
  3. At the end of the configuration's row, click Delete .
  4. On the confirmation Delete Record dialog, click Yes.
    On the Translation configuration screen the configuration is no longer listed.