Complete workflow tasks for a project assignment

Participants with assignments in a workflow can complete their workflow assignment and advance the workflow to the next participant with an assigned task in the workflow.

You can also manage your assignment from the Dashboard tab.

To complete workflow tasks for a project assignment:

  1. Open the project where you want to complete a workflow assignment for an assignment.
  2. From the Assignments pane, select the assignment for your workflow task and complete the work associated with your assignment.
  3. From the Action menu, select State > Completed after you complete the work associated with your assignment and are ready to complete your workflow task.
  4. Click Yes to complete the assignment or click No to cancel the completion of the assignment.
  5. In the Next Workflow Task dialog, enter the following information.
    1. From the Task list, select the task to use to advance the workflow.
    2. From the Assign To list, select the user that you want to assign the next workflow task to.
  6. From the Next Workflow Task dialog, select Save to save changes and advance the workflow to the next assigned participant or select Cancel to close the dialog without advancing the workflow.

After all tasks in the workflow are completed, you can remove the completed workflow from the list of workflows associated with this project.