Check for sharing references in the Components browser

If you want to see at-a-glance how many times a component is referenced in other components, you can look in the Components browser. All references are counted, even if one component references the component multiple times.

Components that are referenced by another component more than one time are marked with a shared icon.
  • The shared icon is a blue icon that is made up of two arrows that form a square.
  • If a component is referenced more than once by another component or map, Inspire considers it a shared component.
  • You can't hide the column showing the shared icon.
  • If you don't seethe Shared components icon, then that component is only referenced once or not at all by any other component in Inspire. This is different from the Referenced icon, which appears even it's used by only one component.
  • You can hover over the following icon to see the number of times that other components share a reference to the one you are hovering over.

  • For example, if the component called Safety warnings is referenced once by the Practice Makes Perfect component and twice by the Handling precautions component, you see the Shared icon and if you hover over it you see the message: Referenced 3 times.
  • If you want to see the Shared number without hovering, you can add a column to Display the number of shared references.
  • If you want to see how many other components reference a component and not the number of times it is referenced, look for the Referenced components icon. A component is only counted once, even if it includes multiple references to this component.
    • Hover over the following icon to see the number of components that reference it. For more information, read Check for references in the Components browser.
    • For example, if the component called Safety warnings is referenced once by the Practice Makes Perfect component and twice by the Handling precautions component, you see the Referenced components icon and if you hover over it you see the message: Referenced by 2 components.
  • When sending a component to translation, you see the Shared icon on the Select Component dialog only when there are target components shared.

    • If you send the source component to more than one translation and review, then the Shared icon doesn't appear.
    • You do see the Shared icon for target components in translation. These are located in the language folders.
    • The number of Shared instances can also increase when you send the targets to review.