Unapprove a component in the browser
When you're developing content for a component, you can easily let other users know that a component has gone back to a draft form by giving it an unapproved state.
To unlock a component, you must have at least one of the following roles or permissions:
- Be an administrator.
- Non-admins must be added to the Content Browser's can_unapprove module property.
Otherwise, you see the Unapprove option as greyed out and unavailable.
If a user is an administrator or has been added to the Content Browser's can_unapprove module property, that user can unapprove components in the following places:
Content Browser — from the right-click menu,
the Options menu, and the Selected components panel
Projects — from the right-click menu,
the Options menu, and the Selected components panel
After you Unapprove the component, it returns to the Draft state.
- The system lock is removed.
- Any previously attached e-signatures for approval remains part of the component's history.