Unapprove a component in the browser

When you're developing content for a component, you can easily let other users know that a component has gone back to a draft form by giving it an unapproved state.

To edit an approved component, you must unlock it by opening the right-click or Options menu and selecting Unapprove.

To unlock a component, you must have at least one of the following roles or permissions:

  • Be an administrator.
  • Non-admins must be added to the Content Browser's can_unapprove module property.

Otherwise, you see the Unapprove option as greyed out and unavailable.

If a user is an administrator or has been added to the Content Browser's can_unapprove module property, that user can unapprove components in the following places:
  • Content Browser — from the right-click menu, the Options menu, and the Selected components panel
  • Projects — from the right-click menu, the Options menu, and the Selected components panel

After you Unapprove the component, it returns to the Draft state.

  • The system lock is removed.
  • Any previously attached e-signatures for approval remains part of the component's history.

To unapprove one component

  1. Click Components_TopMenuOpt Components.
  2. In the Folders pane, navigate to the folder where you've saved the component.
  3. In the Components pane, locate the component you want to unapprove.
  4. In the list, to select the row, click it.
  5. Right-click the row, then select Unapprove.

    You must be the user who approved the component or an administrator to unlock it.

    Otherwise, you won't see the Unapprove option.

  6. In the components list, you'll see a blue pencil icon next to the unapproved component.

To unapprove multiple components

  1. Click Components_TopMenuOpt Components.
  2. In the Folders pane, navigate to the folder where you've saved the components.
  3. In the Components pane, select the checkboxes for the components you want to unapprove.
  4. In the Selected Components pane, click Unapprove components .

    You must be the user who approved the component or an administrator to unlock it.

    Otherwise, you won't see the Unapprove option.

  5. In the components list, you'll see a blue pencil icon next to the unapproved components.

    Inspire may remember the components you choose on the Selected Components panel. After you select Unapprove from the toolbar, those components remain listed on the Selected Components panel. If you want to choose different components to act on or clear the components listed, go to the Selected Components toolbar and click Clear all .

To see Approval signatures

Any previously attached e-signatures for approval remains part of the component's history when you Unapprove a component.

  1. Right-click the component and select Details...
  2. On the Component Details screen, select the History tab.
  3. You can see the e-signature details in the two new columns: eSigned Bye, and Signed Date.